Sunday, February 22, 2015

February 15 to 21, 2015

Sunday ; Sunny and hot.

We have just finished watching ( at 12:30 AM ) the four and a half hour long fortieth anniversary Saturday Night Live special. HMPH ! I expected better !

This morning our friend and neighbour George used his large ATV with a small trailer behind it to help me move our new mobile home steps into the dog park behind our rear fence. Thank you George. Tomorrow I will work on installing and levelling the steps.

This afternoon we went shopping to Arizona Market Place, the local large flea market.
I had a list of items I needed from there, and I was able to find most of them today. We returned home, picked up Bo, and headed to Somerton, a local small town a bit southwest of here on the way to the Mexican border at San Luis. I wanted to visit Council Avenue Park and Council Avenue Pond within. We strolled around the pond. Bo waded in the pond ! < rolling my eyes >

Back at home we went to the regular Sunday late afternoon / early evening ice cream social. Huge crowd tonight ! Afterwards we had a late supper and watched the Saturday Night Live special.

Monday ; Sunny and hot. Joanne cooked a banana chocolate cake in the Sun Oven.

This morning our 94 year old friend Eilene came over to get some help "converting" a recipe for five or six people to a recipe for 150 to 180 people. HA HA HA ! I've always admired Eilene's "style". She is going to host a farewell party ... for herself. She has sold her place here, and this will be her final season here. She wants to leave on her own two feet ... standing upright ... and on her own terms. Bravo, Eilene. She is going to prepare a farewell dinner for the entire RV park, to express her appreciation to all her friends here.

We spent the latter part of the morning installing / positioning and levelling the new mobile home steps we recently acquired. We put them in the dog park, against our rear yard fence, and then butted our "old" set of steps up against the "new" ones. Well done ! It will be much easier for Bo to go into and out of the dog park.

This afternoon Joanne took Eilene shopping for groceries for her farewell / appreciation dinner. I went in search of a local screen and vinyl manufacturing company that can remake the vinyl snap on walls of our Arizona room. I was unsuccessful. My first choice, a company that we've dealt with before, doesn't make vinyl products, only sun screen products. The second company, able to do the job, we have dealt with before also, and their workmanship was so poor we don't want to deal with them again. The third company gave me a quote which I thought was outrageously high, and the ( Canadian ) owner of the company struck me as an a*****e ! I don't want to deal with him.

Back at home I napped with Sully and Bo. I watered all my plants and gardens. When Joanne came home we took Bo for a walk around the dog park. He still has a cold / upper respiratory infection, but it's not as severe as the last few days. He seems to be slowly improving. I'm continuing to administer Mucotox ; jarabe para las molestias respiratorias ( syrup for respiratory discomfort ) that we bought a couple of years ago at a veterinary pharmacy in Mexico. The next time we go to Los Algodones I'm going to try to buy more. I think it saved Sully's life. Long ago ... when he was only seventeen. HA HA HA !

At dusk I went bicycling. After supper we watched the finale of Celebrity Apprentice. We were glad that Geraldo did not win.

Tuesday ; Mardi Gras

Sunny and hot again.

We were up early in order to be at the clubhouse at 9 AM for the Annual General Meeting. It was finished at 10:15 AM. WOW ... after 31 years this park certainly has streamlined their annual general meeting process ! Someone from the Board of Directors from Riverside RV Park Resort back home in Keremeos, BC should come down here and take notes on how to do it properly and efficiently !

The rest of the morning and early part of the afternoon were taken up with routine chores ... and phone calls. I was on the phone quite a bit calling around about the Arizona room vinyl wall panels that I need replaced, and phoning some White Sheet ads about fifth wheel hitches for sale. All winter I have been browsing the White Sheet ads looking for a used fifth wheel hitch under $200. Today I found one ... and bought it ! I also was able to contact the original manufacturer of our Arizona room snap on vinyl walls. They are now in Wellton, a short distance east of Yuma.

We went to the Humane Society this afternoon for our regular Tuesday afternoon shift of dog walking and cat cuddling. From there we drove to The Foothills where I refilled the truck with diesel at Fry's Fuel Bar, then went to see ... and buy ... a used fifth wheel hitch for $185. It needs a bit of TLC refurbishment, but I'm good at that sort of thing, and we only need to use the hitch for about fifteen or twenty minutes, twice a year, here in Yuma, to move Harvey the fifth wheel trailer from our lot 52 to the storage area each spring, and back onto our lot in the fall when we return.

We returned home and unloaded the fifth wheel hitch, disassembled into six large, heavy pieces, into the back yard. Joanne started our weekly laundry, then went to the clubhouse to attend the annual "Hail & Farewell" where the outgoing members of the Board of Directors were appreciated and "roasted". I went bicycling. As I cycled by the park's dry camp / boondock area, there were ... Barry and Jackie, friends of ours from the Escapees Okanagan Chapter 33 in BC. They had just arrived today, and were going to the Hail & Farewell party.

Joanne did laundry during the Hail & Farewell. Afterwards Barry and Jackie came over to visit with us in our Arizona room.

Wednesday ; Sunny and hot.

Joanne spent much of today preparing for tomorrow's big farewell party for Eilene. I did routine chores, then spent part of the afternoon playing storage area "musical chairs". We have a spot in the park's storage area, for the trailer during the summer and the truck camper during the winter. I want two spots. And I want them side by side, so that now that I have a fifth wheel hitch, I can tow our trailer to the storage yard, put it into a spot, then load the truck camper onto the truck while Joanne moves food and stuff from the trailer to the camper, in the spring, and vice versa when we return in the fall.

SO ... I had to convince / beg the neighbour with the storage spot right next to ours to agree to relinquish that spot to me ( done ... thank you, Howard ) and move his rig to another spot, then go to the office and arrange for our new spot and Howard's new spot.

Late in the afternoon we went to the clubhouse for a communal "baked potato dinner".
I never have been a big fan of making a meal out of a baked potato < shrug >. Certainly there were a lot of toppings for the potato and salads, but still ... ! Just before the dinner we went to the boondock area and had a tour of Barry's and Jackie's new motorhome, then they walked over to the storage yard with us to have a tour of our truck camper.

After the baked potato dinner Barry and Jackie again spent the evening visiting with us in our Arizona room.

Thursday ; Sunny and hot !

Received an e-mail from my sister this morning. Temperature with wind chill factor in our hometown of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada this morning was ... wait for it ...
< snicker > ... forty-seven degrees below zero ! HA HA HA < ROFLMAO > HA HA HA !

Here in Yuma today the temperature reached about 30 C. / 85 F. That would be ... ABOVE zero !

< wiping tears of laughter from my eyes >

Much of my afternoon and almost all of Joanne's day was taken up with Eilene's farewell party. Joanne and many helpers made it happen ! I was the photographer. Everything went well !

In the evening we went shopping to Walgreens and Wal-Mart. Bo was very happy to go "drivey". He's feeling quite deprived since we have not allowed him to be in contact with any other dogs for two weeks now because he's contagious.

Friday ; Thin overcast, very warm. Our next door neighbours left this morning. Goodbye, Richard and Donna, see you in November.

This morning I went alone to the Arizona Market Place to order a dash cover for Joanne's "new" minivan back home in BC, and to buy new hardware for the fifth wheel trailer hitch I bought on Tuesday.

This afternoon Joanne repaired / refinished a small end table we got from a neighbour who was giving away some no longer needed items. I degreased, cleaned, sanded, primed, and painted the disassembled fifth wheel hitch components. Looks brand new !

Sammy the Australian Shepherd left a get well card and a package of dog treats on our back yard fence for Bo. HA HA HA ... Bo has never received a get well card before ( although ... HA HA HA ... he has previously received a birthday card from two little girls in Las Glorias, Mexico ). He sniffed and sniffed and sniffed the card ! HA HA HA ! Thank you, Sammy ( and Marilu ).

Today I received two requests for quotes for trailer towing services. It took me quite a bit of time to prepare the quote for towing a trailer from BC's Sunshine Coast to the Okanagan Valley. It would involve a ferry crossing from Vancouver to Gibsons with just the truck, then a ferry crossing from Gibsons back to Vancouver with truck and large fifth wheel trailer. Calculating the BC Ferries fees was a bit complicated.

At sunset we went for a walk, up and down each street within the RV park. We spent too much time chatting with friends, and paying attention to their dogs, and their cats, so it was completely dark by the time we returned home. We had a late supper while watching Doc Martin on PBS.

Saturday ; Sunny and very warm.

Our neighbour across the street has just received a diagnosis of lung cancer, already metastasized to lymph nodes and probably elsewhere. Grim prognosis ! Our caring thoughts are with you, Lloyd.

This morning I reassembled the fifth wheel hitch components then painted the rails ... the pieces that mount onto the bottom of the truck bed ... which I have no use for. In the evening I placed an ad in the Yuma White Sheet to sell them.

This afternoon we went thrift store shopping to Salvation Army and Goodwill. I needed shorts. Bought four pair ! And a couple of hot weather shirts. That should last me awhile. I don't like "moving" from our park model manufactured home in BC to the truck camper and then from the truck camper to the fifth wheel trailer in Yuma and vice versa. I want triplicates of everything, including clothing inventory in each of our three "homes".

Back at home Joanne helped me install, measure, mark, and remove the vinyl wall panels on the Arizona room. Tough job ! I needed to measure and mark them prior to taking them to Sun Pro in Wellton to have new ones made. Don't ever let anybody tell you vinyl doesn't shrink ! Thirteen ( ? ) years or so in Yuma summer sun will shrink vinyl to the point where the panels don't fit any longer.

Joanne did some furniture refinishing in the Arizona room. Excellent results, my dear.

I received another request for a quote on a trailer towing job in BC, the third request in two days. Looks like I might be pretty busy with trailer towing jobs as soon as we return home.


Sunday, February 15, 2015

February 8 to 14, 2015

Sunday ; Sunny and hot !

This morning we did a fun Bo-gility session. We went to the storage area of our RV park to replace the bathroom faucet in Elsie the truck camper. I removed the old faucet and installed the new one. It leaked. I fiddled and fussed with it. It continued to leak ! I finally discovered that a special type of RV faucet washer was missing. < sigh > I'll have to go buy some tomorrow.

Much of the afternoon was taken up with a meeting of the Welcome Committee. Ideas were tossed around and "welcome packages" were prepared. Back at home I polished Joanne's new SAS sandals, then we went on the daily pack walk in the dog park. Today the pack was four dogs ; Bo, Sammy, Riley, and Chester. After the pack walk it was time for Sunday evening ice cream social.

Big turnout for tonight's ice cream social. Afterwards we chatted with friends until it was time to go home for supper and Downton Abbey. Late in the evening I reconciled January's investment statements. HMPH ... fairly decent month in the stock markets !

Monday ; Happy 11th Birthday to Bo

Sunny and hot. Joanne cooked a pot roast in the Sun Oven today. It was so good !

This morning we said goodbye to our new Quebecois friends André and Christiane as they departed for a day of adventures on their way to Palm Springs. We helped them plan their day, with stops for fuel and groceries at Fry's, date shakes at Bard, burritos at Holtville, "The Slabs" near Niland on the Salton Sea, and finally, arriving in Palm Springs to boondock at a casino overnight before heading on to Joshua Tree National Park tomorrow. Bonne journée, mes amis !

We loaded up all our recycling and we took it to the recycling place. We went shopping for an RV part that I needed to finish the installation of the new bathroom faucet in Elsie. The first RV parts store that I went to didn't have what I needed. Well ... that's probably not correct. They likely had it. But the two "knowledgeable" sales people on duty were "too busy" to help the untrained sales person that was serving me, and she didn't know where to find it. Typical of that particular business ! And why I vowed years ago to stop shopping there. And yet ... almost every year I return there once, when
I need something small, and cheap, and I need it quickly. Because they are close to Kofa Ko-op RV Park. So ... once each year I go there ... just to get myself aggravated,
I guess ! We drove all the way out to The Foothills. To buy what I needed at Al's RV Service & Supply, of course. < shaking my head in despair > I really need to stop going to "the other place" !

We returned home. I went to finish the work on Elsie. Joanne went shopping by herself. I had lunch and napped briefly with Sully. I caulked the exterior trim on the Arizona room now that Joanne had finished painting it. And so that project is now complete. Joanne retuned home and we took Bo for the daily pack walk, then washed the truck. Road grime from the recent Palm Springs trip !

We had that wonderful pot roast for supper, then watched Celebrity Apprentice. Isn't Geraldo obnoxious ? Sure hope he doesn't win next week !

Tuesday ; Happy 66th Birthday to my sister Sharon

Sunny and hot. Joanne cooked Succotash in the Sun Oven today.

This morning I did a minor repair on Lanoire the truck, and some minor maintenance on Elsie the truck camper. I strongly believe that preventive maintenance prevents a lot of problems, and prompt repairs keep small problems from becoming big problems. This afternoon we did our regular Tuesday afternoon shift at the Humane Society. Joanne "cuddled" cats. I walked dogs. On the way home we passed a dead cat on the side of the road. It had been there for about three days and I was tired of seeing it there.
I picked it up and we returned to the Humane Society where I "disposed" of it. Rest in peace, little kitty. Too bad your owners were too stupid or too lazy to keep you safe !

Back at home we went on the daily pack walk, then had new friends visit with us in our Arizona room. We bumped into old friends who were here visiting briefly when we went to the clubhouse to check our mailbox. I phoned my sister to wish her Happy Birthday.

Wednesday ; Sunny and hot. Joanne baked a butter tart loaf and cookies in the Sun Oven today.

This morning I placed a bid on a trailer transport job in B.C., to be done on April 30 and May 1. I placed my bid in the last half hour of a week long bidding auction. My bid was the second lowest, and was the only bid agreeable to those exact dates. Wish me luck.

I did an obedience session with Bo. We trimmed Bo's and Sully's nails. We gave Bo a bath. I removed the truck's spare tire from underneath the truck and put it in the bed of the truck. I will be taking it for repair tomorrow. It's still losing air very slowly, about 10 PSI per month. I did a minor repair on a dinette chair.

We hosted today's weekly Social Hour & Potluck from 5 PM to 6 PM. Consequently, no 5 PM pack walk in the dog park today. Joanne and I went to the clubhouse at 4:30 to prepare. We set up three tables for food, set up chairs at the tables that needed them, set out salt and pepper shakers ... that sort of thing. As people arrived with their contributions we set them up on the food tables.

I became irritated with the number of women who thought they should wander over to the food tables and "assist" me in setting up the food. One even thought she should "instruct" me in the "correct" way to set up potluck food tables. Listen you bunch of ...

Now ... about thirty hours later ... late Thursday evening ... I have come back to this entry, and wisely deleted the rest of that rant !

Afterwards ... < taking deep breath > ... Joanne did laundry. We watched the final episode of "The Book Of Negroes" on CBC.

Thursday ; Sunny, very warm, windy.

This morning we headed out for a day of running errands ... and a teensy bit of fun. Our ninety-four year old friend Eilene came along. She returned last night at midnight from a three week trip to Florida, and she needed groceries. First stop was Pep Boys Auto.
I dropped off the truck's spare tire at their service department hoping that they would be able to find the very slow leak in the tire. And I bought a seat cover for our truck in their retail store. Next stop was ... WOO-HOO ... Harbor Freight. I needed three items. Each of the three of us bought one item. So each of the three of us could use a coupon for a free item. And we each used a twenty percent off coupon on the item purchased. SO ... three needed items purchased, each at twenty percent off, and three free items. I love Harbor Freight !

Next was lunch at a new restaurant ; Carnivores of Yuma. What a lot of meat ! HA HA HA ! The buffet restaurant features many different types of meat cooked outdoors on their huge barbecue in front of the restaurant, and a large soup, salad, and dessert bar. The only thing that stunned me more than the amount of meat that Joanne was capable of eating today was ... the astounding amount of meat that Eilene ate ! ! ! HA HA HA ... you go, girls !

From Carnivores of Yuma we went to Food City. While Joanne and Eilene shopped for groceries I installed the new truck seat cover. After Food City we went to West Wetlands Park. I wanted to see West Wetlands Park, and particularly, West Wetlands Pond, a 1.3 acre pond stocked monthly with Rainbow Trout. What an interesting idea. Fishing for Rainbow Trout out here in the desert, in a lovely park equipped with shade ramadas, and picnic tables, and playground, and walking trails, etc. There are four such parks with ponds stocked with fish here in the Yuma area, and I want to see them before we leave at the beginning of April. Maybe I'll bring fishing gear next year. We walked around the pond. I chatted with a couple that were fishing. We used our birding book to identify the three interesting birds "fishing" in the pond ; Ring-necked Ducks, a Great Egret, and an Osprey. We see Osprey at home in B.C., but never as close as the one we saw one today.

From West Wetlands Park we returned to Pep Boys Auto. They were unsuccessful in finding a leak in the tire < sigh >. The leak is so slow ... about 10 PSI per month ... that two auto repair shops have failed to locate the leak. And changing the screw in valve stem did not solve the problem < sigh >.

We returned home. We took Bo for a walk around the dog park. I picked up and reinstalled our refilled propane tank. I went bicycling at dusk. Lovely sunset !

Bo seems to have an upper respiratory infection. DARN ! I started administering the pet "cold" medication we bought in Mexico two years ago. It has worked for Sully. We hope it will work for Bo. He is sneezing SO hard and so frequently ! And his nose is running !

Friday ; Sunny, very warm, a bit windy. Joanne cooked Hungarian Goulash in the Sun Oven today.

Joanne was sick in the middle of the night, with diarrhea and vomiting. So much for Carnivores of Yuma ! ! !

My day started with a phone call from a lawyer in Toronto. She works for the law firm that represents the group of PET VALU franchisees that launched a class action lawsuit against PET VALU Inc., the franchisor, in 2010. The class action affects all franchisees from 2004 and onwards. We sold the last of our four stores in March or April 2004, so ... we will be entitled to a three or four month share of the class action settlement. HA HA HA ! That's likely to be a sum like ... I don't know ... maybe eight dollars ? ! ? HA HA HA ! Minus legal fees, of course ! HA HA HA < SNORT > HA HA !

I did routine chores. I remounted the spare tire underneath the truck. I climbed up on the roof of the trailer and recoated a section of roof with rubber roof coating. I napped in the Arizona room with Bo. He's sick with an upper respiratory infection ... a "cold". AND ... apparently ... so am I ! I think I'm coming down with my second cold of this winter season.

We have stopped taking Bo on the daily pack walk. We think he's probably "contagious" and we shouldn't put other dogs at risk of catching his "cold".

Tomorrow is Kofa Ko-op’s spring “yard sale”. While we were walking around the park at 6:30 PM enjoying the lovely sunset, we noticed a neighbour putting out a set of mobile home steps for sale tomorrow. We bought the steps to put in the dog park behind our fence. Currently we have a two step unit there. We bought a three step unit. HEY ... Bo’s not getting any younger. Two steps then over the wall is becoming a big challenge for him. Three steps will make things easier.

Saturday ; Valentine's Day

Sunny and very warm. This morning we wandered all around the entire RV park. Buying stuff ! GEEEEZZZZZ ! ! ! Whatever happened to our "minimalist lifestyle" that "someone" was so eager for eleven years ago ? ! ? Last night we bought a set of mobile home steps. Today we bought a life jacket for me to use while fly fishing in the Similkameen River and a small, folding, oak end table for use in Harvey the fifth wheel trailer. As well as some small free items we acquired ; tire shine spray, mosquito coils, gardening gloves.

This afternoon we did a minor but very important repair on Elsie the truck camper. A small crack had developed in the aluminum skin, emanating outwards from a window frame. Cracks like that develop from the torqueing and twisting motions of travelling ... well ... where we like to travel ! We are not "interstate only" kind of RV'ers. I employed an aluminum skin repair technique that I learned from being a pilot of aluminum skinned, old Cessna airplanes. Well done, Daniel.

Joanne went shopping by herself. I read a book and napped with the animals in the Arizona room. Poor Bo is still sneezing extremely heavily. He almost falls over, the sneezes are so powerful. And he sometimes smacks his face on the ground as he sneezes. He’s a bit lethargic. I have temporarily discontinued doing obedience and agility with him. And we do not allow him to meet other dogs so that he does not transmit the cold to others. We walk him in the dog park alone. Poor Bo !


Sunday, February 8, 2015

February 1 to 8, 2015

Sunday ; Sunny and very warm. Plants and flowers are blooming. Yes, yes ... spring has arrived in Yuma, Arizona. Joanne cooked "Sweet & Smoky Chicken Thighs" and rice in the Sun Oven today. It was the first time in a couple of weeks that we've been able to use the Sun Oven.

With a couple of "carry forward" from yesterday, and two new arrivals today, Joanne and I visited four rigs on our first day as the Kofa Ko-op "Welcome Committee". And that responsibility consumed more time than I had expected it would.

We did a fun Bo-gility session with Bo. We removed Elsie the truck camper from Lanoire the truck. We went Wal-Martin'. As you know, Wal-Martin' on the weekends is not permitted, as far as I am concerned. But ... since today was the Super Bowl game, Wal-Mart was not very busy late this afternoon.

We attended the regular Sunday evening ice cream social. We watched two episodes of Downton Abbey, having missed last week's episode because we were in Palm Springs. The previous episode is always repeated before each new episode.

Monday ; Los Algodones, Baja California, Mexico

Sunny and very warm, especially standing in line for an hour and three quarters waiting to cross the border !

This morning we headed for Mexico. West on Interstate 8 across the Colorado River into California, then south to the Mexican border crossing into Los Algodones. First stop was TK Unisex Beauty Shop. I got a haircut and beard trim while Joanne got a pedicure. My haircut and beard trim ( three bucks for the haircut, another dollar for the beard ) were finished long before Joanne's pedicure ( ten bucks ) so I went browsing in the nearby farmacias, checking for the best price on some medication I wanted to buy.
I returned to the beauty shop and "coached" the hair stylist giving Joanne a haircut ( five bucks ). When Joanne's haircut was finished it was time for lunch. We went to a restaurant that we had been to before ( had a coupon for a free margarita with each meal ) and had pollo chile verde enchiladas / chicken and green tomatillo chile enchiladas. Very good !

I bought my medication. I bought a pound of REALLY HUGE ( ten to the pound ! ) fresh shrimp. We bought some Mini-Nugs and Mini-CocoNugs ( chocolate bars ). We walked to the border. HOLY SHIT ! ! ! That's why we avoid going to Los Algodones in January and February. The line up to the border crossing was the longest we've ever seen ! In ten years of going to Los Algodones ! In previous years, we have been in line for more than three hours. And they were shorter lines than today ! ! ! U.S. Customs & Border Patrol has speeded up their process in the last few years, so today's record long line took ( only ! ) an hour and three quarters. We chatted with the people in line behind us, two couples from Manitoba, Canada. I worried about the bag of shrimp in my hand. It started out as a pound of shrimp packed in ice in a bag. By the time we crossed the border it was a pound of shrimp in a leaking bag of cold water !

We arrived home later than expected, shortly after 4:30 PM. The park's office had just closed so ... we were unable to obtain a list of today's arrivals and do our job as the "Welcome Committee". DARN ! Oh, well ... life goes on !

We went on the daily pack walk. Once again there was a dog fight. Same dog that has started every one of the many dog fights that has occurred in the last few years ! And the same owners absolving their dog of accountability ! ! ! It's not the dog fights that get under my skin. HEY ... dogs are dogs ! It's the denial / absolution of accountability by the owners !

I watered my plants and gardens. I went bicycling. Beautiful desert sunset ! After supper we watched Celebrity Apprentice. I cleaned my shrimp ! I reconciled bank statements.

Tuesday ; Sunny and very warm. Joanne cooked a recipe called "Beef & Beer Bake" in the Sun Oven today.

We were up very early this morning in order to have Bo at the Humane Society Of Yuma Veterinary Clinic at 8 AM. We left him for his dental cleaning and vaccinations and we returned home. I went back to sleep and Joanne went to water aerobics.

We worked quite a bit today being the Kofa Ko-op Welcome Committee. We visited four new arrivals, two in the morning and two in the late afternoon. One of the new arrivals was a French Canadian couple from Gatineau, Quebec, across the Ottawa River from Ottawa, Ontario, our home for sixteen and a half years. They were very surprised when we approached their rig and began to introduce ourselves in French.

After lunch we returned to the Humane Society to work a shift from 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM as dog walker / cat cuddler, and to pick up Bo at 3:30 PM. Oh my goodness ! My poor little baby Bo-Bo Dog had to have five teeth extracted ! We didn't see that one coming ! He was "dopey" for the rest of the day, recovering from general anaesthesia, and ... was in a lot of discomfort. Poor little baby Bo-Bo Dog !

Wednesday ; Sunny and hot, temperature about 85 F / 30 C ! I sun dried tomatoes in the Sun Oven today. When they were done Joanne cooked wrapped wiener appetizers in the Sun Oven to contribute to this afternoon's Happy Hour Potluck.

Bo suffered overnight and part of today. By this evening his discomfort seemed diminished. I am giving him a painkiller medication for three days and an antibiotic for a week. Tonight he was hungry, and ate well. The five teeth he lost are five of his six lower front teeth. With only one tooth behind his lower lip, he looks like he belongs in the Ozarks of Missouri. HA HA HA < SNORT > HA HA !

Today was a very busy for us as the "Welcome Committee". Five new arrivals !

I did an obedience session with Bo. I trimmed my moustache and eyebrows. HMPH ! Should have been done by my hairstylist Fabiola in Los Algodones the other day. She was late to leave for an appointment elsewhere, so my moustache and eyebrows didn't get done. Despite the fact that, for the first time, she charged me an extra dollar for the beard trim. HMPH ... four bucks for a haircut and beard trim ... and I had to do my own moustache and eyebrows. Oh, well ... at least she trimmed my ear hairs. HA HA HA !

This afternoon I worked on some exterior wood trim repairs on the Arizona room, as part of Joanne's project to paint the trim. I installed a "mesh" tailgate on the truck.
I bought the "mesh" tailgate at the Tyson Wells Sell-A-Rama in Quartzsite recently. Paid a buck ! How is it possible to produce a product like that ... that can be sold by a flea market vendor for a profit ... for a buck ? ! ?

At tonight's Happy hour potluck we sat at a table filled with some of this week's new arrivals. I chatted with André from Quebec, giving him travel ideas and recommendations ... at his request.

Thursday ; Sunny and hot again. How wonderful is that ? Sun dried tomatoes in the Sun Oven again today.

Partially due to the wonderful weather, and partially due to our responsibilities this week as the "Welcome Committee", we blew off much of today socializing. In our Arizona room, in the dog park, all over the RV park, visiting new arrivals ... ! Joanne painted the Arizona room's exterior wood trim. I ... rode my bicycle ! HA HA HA ! HEY ... one can't be productive every day !

We went out for dinner to our favourite "Chinese" buffet restaurant. It's my favourite because of the wonderful Sushi bar. The Sushi with caviar on top was more than worth the meal price. In the evening I worked on reconciling and analyzing the 2014 annual statements of some of our annuity type investment funds.

Friday ; Sunny and hot. Yuma had two weeks of winter, two weeks of spring, and now it's summer ! HA HA HA ! I love it ! So does Sully.

This morning Joanne set up the Sun Oven and put some tomatoes in to sun dry. We picked up one of this week's new arrivals who had asked to come along with us, and we headed to The Foothills for the semi-annual Helping Hands Yard Sale at Gila Mountain United Methodist Church and the monthly 15% off day at Al's RV Service & Parts. I was disappointed to be unable to find a stereo unit for Harvey the fifth wheel at the yard sale. Joanne bought an expensive pair of SAS sandals for two bucks. She shopped at "The 99¢ Only Store" while André and I went to Al's RV Service & Supply. I bought a new bathroom faucet for Elsie the truck camper. We returned home for a late lunch and to discover that our sun drying tomatoes were burned to crisps ! HMPH !

This afternoon I did some routine annual preventive maintenance chores and we did our Welcome Committee work. We went on the daily pack walk. For supper I barbecued some of those honkin' huge shrimp I bought in Los Algodones a few days ago. They were good ! ! !

Saturday ; Sunny and hot again.

At noon we headed to the clubhouse for the first ( and hopefully annual ) Kofa Ko-op Chili Competition. Twelve competitors, potluck salads and desserts. It was great ! There were three local paramedics / firemen who served as the judges. And afterwards, they presented a class on CCC CPR ( continuous chest compression cardio-pulmonary resuscitation ) and how to operate a defibrillator. Valuable training for an RV park filled with old people.

I did a 6000 km. inspection on Lanoire the truck. What a great truck ! I helped a neighbour solve a propane problem. We visited friends and neighbours. We did our daily Welcome Committee work. We went on the daily pack walk. Big pack today !
I went bicycling. Laszlo and DeeOJee the Pit Bull came over for a visit. We had a late light supper and watched a movie on TV.


Sunday, February 1, 2015

January 25 to 31, 2015

Sunday ; Palm Springs to Salton City, California

Sunny and hot. What a great day in Palm Springs !

This morning we left the parking lot of Aqua Caliente Casino and headed towards downtown Palm Springs. First stop was the Palm Springs dog park, right behind City Hall, and right beside Palm Springs airport. This is one of Bo's favourite dog parks. It has a section for small dogs and a section for large dogs. Bo visits both. When we arrived today the small dog section was empty, so we went to the large dog section where Bo socialized with big dogs for an hour or so. Then we went over to the small dog section where he socialized with small dogs for another hour or so while we sat around socializing with their owners. The small dog section is a bit more "people sociable" than the large dog section.

From the dog park we drove downtown to Sherman's Deli for lunch. I was fortunate enough to find a parking spot large enough for us on the street very close to the restaurant. MMMMM ! ! !   I would drive all the way to Palm Springs from anywhere just to have lunch at Sherman's Deli, an authentic New York Jewish deli. Today I had a bowl of cold borscht and a barbecued beef brisket sandwich on sourdough bread ! GEEEEEZ ... I salivate as I type that ! HA HA HA !

We spent the entire afternoon driving all over Palm Springs, from upscale thrift store to upscale thrift store, Joanne's idea of having a great time in Palm Springs. Only in Palm Springs can you have the oxymoron of a thrift store being upscale. At one of the thrift stores I found, and fell in love with, a shirt. I'm certain that its original cost was well into three figures. I think it was hand made ... and custom made for a customer by a designer / tailor. I fantasize that it was a shirt made for a celebrity, worn one time only, to an awards show, or other celebrity event, then thrown in the "give to charity" laundry basket. Don't laugh ! Palm Springs thrift stores have those kinds of clothes in them. I kid you not !

The shirt was priced at ten bucks ! I tried it on. It was made for a man with smaller shoulders and a smaller back than me. < sigh > If I wore this shirt, and reached for something on a dining table ... or reached for the steering wheel ... or hugged someone ... it would probably split open across my shoulder blades. < sigh >

After an entire day of searching for just the right coffee table, Joanne ended the day with nothing to show for our efforts except ... a pair of shoes. But ... you probably saw that coming, didn't you ? HA HA HA < SNORT > HA HA !

We shopped at Trader Joe's ... of course ... stocking up on Sully's favourite cat food. Another two dozen cans. Each of the last few times we have bought two dozen of his favourite Trader Joe's cat food cans I'm convinced we've bought too much and he's going to die before he finishes them. Hope I'm wrong ... again !

We refilled with diesel on the eastern edge of Palm Springs ... I had forgotten how much more fuel costs in California than in Arizona ... and headed out of Palm Springs travelling southeast on Hwy. 111 and then Hwy. 86 to Salton City, on the western edge of the Salton Sea. We pulled into the Palm Springs fuel station in daylight, and out in darkness, so our trip to Salton City was in darkness. At Salton City we pulled into a large Arco Fuels Travel Center to refill our freshwater tank, then drove a short distance back ( north ) to Red Earth Casino where we boondocked overnight.

HMPH ! 20/20 hindsight ! Should've bought the damn shirt just to get the lovely mother of pearl buttons for ten bucks !

Monday ; Salton City, California to Yuma, Arizona

Cloudy, chilly, raining lightly for most of our drive home.

We had a bit of a slow, late start to the day. We drove a few miles south from Red Earth Casino to the large Arco Fuels Travel Center on Hwy. 86 where we dumped Elsie's waste holding tanks. We continued south on Hwy. 86, then "dipsy doodled" around a bunch of back roads heading south and east, stopping at Westmoreland to buy date shakes, then Holtville to buy burritos for lunch. We ate our burritos and drank our date shakes inside the camper parked beside Holtville's lovely little municipal park. From Holtville we headed over to Interstate 8 to drive east until back across the Colorado River into Arizona and Yuma, arriving home about 4:30 PM.

I napped briefly while Joanne unloaded the camper fridge and took Bo on the daily pack walk. Marilou and Sammy the Australian Shepherd came over for a brief visit and tour of Elise the truck camper. We watched Celebrity Apprentice while having another Holtville burrito for supper.

Tuesday ; Today was mostly sunny and warm.

I have just returned from watching a crop duster airplane spray the alfalfa field beside our RV park ... at 10:30 PM ! ! ! Why would anyone in their right mind fly a high powered aircraft at high speed at an altitude of about fifteen feet above ground ... at night ? ? ? And ... perform 180 degree turns every quarter mile ! ! ! SHEEEEESH ! ! ! ! !

Around noon we left for the Humane Society. And we had Bo with us. While Joanne started her cat cuddling shift I took Bo to the clinic to have a blood test and health check, in preparation for a dental cleaning next week. When we were finished at the clinic I put Bo in the camper and began my dog walking shift.

When I saw that there was a Catahoula Leopard Dog in the shelter I was eager to take it for a walk. I wanted to compare it to the two extremely unruly Catahoula Leopard Dogs that I walked last year. T'was like apples and oranges. The dog today ... a male named Mavrick ... was calm, well behaved and obedient. A pleasure to walk !

I provided some assistance ... mostly moral support ... to the Humane Society's resident photographer when she got bit by a male Pit Bull while returning it to its cage after photographing it. OUCH !

At 3 PM we left the Humane Society and headed east to run errands in The Foothills. First stop was Cactus Propane. I picked up the trailer's propane tank that I had left last week to be recertified, had the trailer's other propane tank recertified also, and refilled one of the camper's propane tanks. Next stop was Foothills Hardware to return a purchase made last week, then Fry's Fuel Bar to refill with diesel, and Fry's to buy some groceries. We were home about 5:30 PM.

We took Bo for a walk in the dog park. I reinstalled the propane tanks. Joanne went to do laundry. I went bicycling at sunset.

Wednesday ; Happy 61st Birthday to Joanne

Thin overcast, warm.

This morning I visited with Laszlo and Gayle to confirm our upcoming day trip to El Golfo de Santa Clara in Mexico. Then Joanne and I had a fun obedience / hide & seek session with Bo in the dog park. After lunch, while Joanne did some exterior painting
I baked a birthday cake. Not exactly my forte. But I should get marks for effort. I even iced it and put sprinkles on it !

After our daily pack walk I got online and purchased Mexican vehicle insurance for our day trip into Mexico, then took Joanne to Famous Dave's BBQ Restaurant for dinner. Her request ! We returned home in time to watch The Book Of Negroes, a CBC miniseries we have been watching weekly.

Thursday ; Cloudy and mild.

DARN ! DARN ! DARN ! DARN ! I discovered late this afternoon ... too late to take corrective action ... that Bo's rabies vaccination expired three weeks ago. SO ... he won't be able to go to Mexico with us tomorrow. We are going down to El Golfo de Santa Clara on the northern tip of the Sea of Cortez / Gulf of California. We were looking forward to some "beach doughnut" play time on the beach with Bo. DARN ! ! ! We can't take a chance that U.S. Customs & Border Patrol does not allow Bo back into the U.S. because of an expired rabies vaccination.

I busied myself today with routine preventive maintenance chores. Joanne spent much of the day puttering around with some exterior painting projects she wanted to do. We chatted with neighbours, always a fun way to blow off a day. HA HA HA ... HEY ... we're retired ! We took Bo on the daily pack walk, then went to Albertson's to buy some advertised grocery specials. We barbecued steak and potatoes for supper.

On impulse, I bid on a U-SHIP.COM job late last night. I had been watching it for almost a week. The auction was about to expire ... and there were no shipping bids. SO ...
I submitted a bid ! And today when the auction ended, I was the only bidder. The shipper has until tomorrow noon to accept or reject my bid. I was the only bidder because it is a specialized job ; transport a truck camper across the country. It requires specialized equipment ; a large pickup truck equipped with camper tie downs. I will be very surprised if the shipper actually accepts my bid and hires me. I bid ... $5000 to transport a large truck camper from Lake Havasu City, Arizona to Baltimore, Maryland, a distance of about 4000 km. / 2500 miles.

Friday ; Yuma, Arizona to El Golfo de Santa Clara, Sonora, Mexico & return

Cloudy and warm. It would have been nice to have a sunny day on the beach, but ...
< shrug > ... oh, well !

This morning we got up ( too ) early to be ready to depart at 9 AM for a day trip to El Golfo de Santa Clara at the northern tip of the Sea of Cortez / Gulf of California. We picked up Laszlo and Gayle at their trailer and headed south for the Mexican border at San Luis.

We crossed the border from San Luis, Arizona to San Luis Rio Colorado in the Mexican state of Sonora. We travelled for a few hours south, following the east shore of the Colorado River / Rio Colorado, through farm lands. We arrived in the small fishing village of El Golfo de Santa Clara around noon.

We explored the scruffy little village and surrounding area by truck, then parked by the beach. We wandered around the beach until we were hungry, then wandered back into town and walked around trying to find a good seafood restaurant. HMPH ... we failed. The economy of this small fishing village is dying. There were many small restaurants, and all of them were closed / out of business. Plus ... the shrimp fishing season has finished and the Corvina fishing season has not yet begun. No shrimp ! No fish ! Ergo ... no seafood ( mariscos ) restaurants !

We finally found a family operated "restaurant" / taco stand with sort of a small "buffet" of taco / burrito offerings. We had a variety of interesting tacos / burritos filled with beef stew ( caldo de rez ), shredded beef ( machaca ), pork cracklings / deep fried pork rinds ( chicharrones ), chicken and tomatillo green chile ( pollo chile verde ), pork stew ( el pastor ). Pretty darn good lunch ! Five large tacos / burritos, three soft drinks, bill was $11 including tip ! Laszlo's treat ! Thank you !

After lunch we wandered around some more and finally found a fisherman's house with frozen shrimp for sale. The fisherman spoke English well, and invited us into his home to see his freezer of fish and shrimp. Laszlo and Gayle bought a kilogram of jumbo shrimp. We chatted with the fisherman about his work experiences in the United States, as a cherry picker in the orchards of the Okanogan Valley of upstate Washington, and as a Christmas tree seller in Wisconsin. Friendly, interesting fellow ! Nice family ! A bit more wandering and we found another fisherman selling shrimp. I bought a package of jumbo shrimp. Too bad they were frozen, because I don't want to have to use the entire kilogram at one time, but since they're frozen, I probably have no choice.

We drove around town exploring more until it was time to head back north. On the way back to the U.S. border we had to stop for an inspection at a Mexican military checkpoint. A drug sniffer dog sniffed all over inside our truck, and camper, and all around the outside of the truck. Back at the border city of San Luis Rio Colorado we found a panaderia and bought some ( many ! ) pan dulce. At the border crossing back into the United States we were required to park for a "secondary inspection". A totally humourless, jack booted Customs and Border Patrol agent who took himself way too seriously led a team of jack booted agents in a thorough search of the truck and camper, including the truck's engine compartment. It took three ... count 'em ... three jack booted agents to search the inside of a truck camper that barely has room for two people to turn around inside ? ! ?

Have a nice day, fellas. Keep your homeland secure ! Especially from us fat, old Canadians, eh ?

We arrived back home at Kofa Ko-op shortly before 7 PM, just after it got dark.

Saturday ; Partially sunny, warm.

This morning I was "trained" for my one week commitment to be the Kofa Ko-op "Welcome Committee", starting tomorrow. I / we will visit and "welcome" all new arrivals to the park in the upcoming week. I thought the "training" was a bit ... over done. It's not rocket science !

This afternoon we went shopping, partially so that we could dump the truck camper's waste holding tanks at a nearby service station with a free sanitary dump station. With our fifth wheel trailer on our lot, we are unable to dump the truck camper on our own lot, and I don't want to pay the fee to use the dump beside our park's boondock / dry camp area. After dumping Elsie's tanks we parked in a nearby mall, and while Joanne went shopping, I napped with Bo in the camper. HA HA HA !

This evening our friends Bill and Candace from Texas came over and visited with us in our Arizona room, to discuss their plans to visit us on their way to Alaska next summer.