Monday, May 11, 2009

May 9 & 10, 2009

May 9 & 10, 2009 ; Riverside RV Park Resort
Saturday ;
Today was partially sunny and cool. The weather here since we've returned hasn't been great. I've been sick for the last three days with a cold. Today is my fourth day with a cold and the worst is over.
I wasn't feeling healthy enough to participate in today's Riverside RV Park Resort "Work Bee", the second of this spring season. Some of the residents of the park ( not enough ! ), including Joanne, worked on landscaping projects around our clubhouse, which we call "The Lodge".
A few weeks ago Joanne and I approached the park's "social committee" with two proposals for summer activities. A monthly themed food event / potluck dinner, and a monthly ice cream social. Tonight was the first of our themed potluck dinners. The theme was an "ethnic" potluck. Joanne prepared a pot full of holupchis / Ukrainian cabbage rolls, a recipe which she learned from my sister and which she has mastered quite well. One of the things that five years of living the full time RV lifestyle has resulted in is Joanne's considerable proficiency in the kitchen. I'm proud of her culinary abilities. And she's always eager to learn and try new regional or ethnic recipes from the areas we've travelled to. At the upcoming Escapees B.C. Okanagan Chapter 33 Spring Rally which we are hosting she will be conducting two Cajun cooking classes, resulting in Cajun meals for the group.
The ethnic potluck went well, although it was not as well attended as we had hoped it would be. I'm beginning to feel a bit discouraged and a bit disgusted at this park's lack of support for social activities. In addition to Joanne's holupchis there were, of course, perogies, apparently a basic food group here in Western Canada. HA HA HA ! There was an interesting German sauerkraut salad, and a great Icelandic dessert. The rest of the dishes were nice, although I failed to recognize their ethnicity.
Sunday ; This morning was the first of what I hope will become a regular event here in our park. Bo and I hosted a "K9 Agility & Pack Walk". I built Bo a bit of an agility course on our lot, incorporating an "over" hurdle, an "under" hurdle, a "ramp" / teeter-totter, and a nylon "tunnel", which we bought for Bo as a Christmas gift when we were in the Rio Grande Valley. Last week we also bought a small child's swimming pool to add to his agility course, but it wasn't warm enough yet to use it for this morning's session. We're also hoping to add a children's slide. Although I suspect that Bo might be the only dog happy to "slide", which certainly seems a strange thing for a little dog to like.
Bo was joined by his friends Spencer and Charlie for this morning's session. A good time was had by all. Bo enjoys showing off his skills. And Spencer and Charlie learned quickly by following Bo's example. Well, except for "tunnel". Neither Spencer nor Charlie would do "tunnel". Bo loves "tunnel", squirming through it enthusiastically. Guess it's a Terrier thing ! After the agility session, we took the three dogs for a "pack walk". It's a great socialization exercise. Bo has pack walked with a lot of different dogs, and quite enjoys it, happily leading sometimes, happily following sometimes. And it helped eliminate a bit of tension between Spencer and Charlie, who had some manner of "disagreement" last fall. Since then Charlie has been a bit uneasy around Spencer. Today's agility session and pack walk resolved that.
Bo and I quite enjoyed ourselves. I hope these sessions will continue successfully in the future.

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