Saturday, February 25, 2012

February 19 to 25, 2012

Sunday ; This morning I did an agility session with Bo. Well done, Bo, good dog.

This afternoon Joanne went by herself to run some errands. I tested the DISH NETWORK satellite dish mounted on our shed roof and the DISH NETWORK receiver I picked up off the bargain table recently. That involved connecting a very long TV cable to the dish on the shed roof and running it into the trailer. Well, the satellite dish and receiver both work fine. But I doubt that we will subscribe to the DISH NETWORK satellite TV service. Firstly, we don't have a phone jack to connect the receiver to a phone line, which is a requirement. Secondly, the DISH NETWORK service cannot be turned on and off seasonally / at will. That's my requirement.

We attended the late afternoon / early evening ( depends upon one's perspective ) regular Sunday ice cream social. Afterwards we used the barbecue to make supper.
I haven't used the barbecue since we got the Sun Oven just after Christmas. Afterwards was "TV time". Sully and Bo wrapped in a "blankie", cuddled against my leg on the sofa while we watched the season premiere of Celebrity Apprentice.

Monday ; In preparation for tomorrow's Annual General Meeting ( AGM ) today was the annual spring cleaning day in the clubhouse. There were many jobs to be done, and a sign up sheet had been established for volunteers to pick and choose their jobs. Joanne and I had signed up to clean the water cooler machine. So ... this morning we headed over to the clubhouse, disassembled the water cooler, cleaned in, under, and around it, reassembled and reinstalled it. Just the sort of job I don't mind volunteering to do. Done at our own pace, figuring out our own way to do it, no one supervising and telling us "how it's always been done".

Afterwards Bo and I went for a pack walk with Carol Mae and Dulce. Dulce so enjoyed the pack walk with Bo that she was inspired to crouch and play pounce at Bo. WOW ... that was great ! Dulce is old and stiff, and "can't get along with all other dogs". It's been a very long time since Carol Mae has seen Dulce attempt to play with another dog.

Joanne and I then left for a day of running errands. First stop was PetsMart for dog food and cat glucosamine treats. Then Family Dollar to look at TracFone cell phones. I think we're about to buy a new cell phone / switch to a new cell phone service provider. Then Smart & Final to buy some supplies for the Cajun meal we will be preparing at the upcoming SKP Roadrunners Chapter 7 Spring Rally. Over to Harbor Freight Tools to buy some more neat guy stuff, then Burger King to sit in their parking lot and use their Wi-Fi to make a Skype / VoIP phone call. We went for a very late lunch / very early supper to Golden Corral. We have had many recommendations to try their buffet restaurant as an alternative to Hometown Buffet. It was a very good buffet meal, at a reasonable price. ETYS ! HA HA HA !

When we got home, Joanne went for a long nap, complaining of an upset stomach. Maybe you should have had more marshmallows dipped into the chocolate fountain, dear ! I went for a long bicycle ride then worked on the computer until it was "TV time".

Tuesday ; Mardi Gras

Today was the Kofa Ko-op Annual General Meeting. It started at 9 AM and, including a break for lunch, was completed around 2 PM. A lot of business was conducted ... relatively smoothly. It was well planned and well executed. What a relief. We were dreading attending this AGM having given up, in frustration and exasperation, on attending the AGMs at Riverside RV Park Resort two years ago.

After the AGM, and squabbling in disagreement, we did not attend the afternoon's "Western Days" fun events. After supper Joanne was "down in the dumps" so I went by myself to the Hail & Farewell celebration in the clubhouse. The retiring outgoing board members were "roasted" and thanked, and the newly elected incoming board members were "roasted" and welcomed.

Wednesday ; This morning I went to my regular Wednesday morning Tai Chi class. By the time I returned Joanne had taken Bo on two pack walks. One with Spanky and one with Dulce. Joanne left to go Wal-Martin'. I did an obedience session with Bo. Excellent, Bo, good dog !

This afternoon I repainted the water heater exterior access panel and the stove top cover. No, no ... my spray painting skills haven't improved any ! Joanne made sun dried tomatoes in the Sun Oven, and then a cake. She did not properly balance the cake pan on the "levelator" tray in the Sun Oven so the cake pan was "lopsided". The cake baked very thin on one side of the pan and very thick on the other. OOOOOPS ! We took Bo for today's pack walk then I went bicycling. What lovely weather ! People are starting to complain that it's getting too hot, but I love it ! Intense desert sunshine and temperature in the low 80's.

When I took Bo for his bedtime walk late in the evening, we climbed over the back fence into the dog park, and while Bo wandered around, I kicked off my sandals, sunk my bare feet into the cool desert sand, and did a few minutes of Tai Chi in the dark. WOW ... my Yin and my Yang are in harmony !

Thursday ; Another beautiful, hot day. Late in the morning we headed to The Foothills to have lunch with our friends Lynn and Mischa at their home. We had lunch and visited with them for the afternoon. We invited them to join us tonight at Yuma Palms Shopping Center for the weekly Thursday evening free jazz concert. They accepted.

We drove home and dropped off Bo, then headed over to Yuma Palms where we met Lynn and Mischa again. We sat in the folding lawn chairs we had brought, listening to jazz as the sun set on a warm evening. The music wasn't all that great, so we left at the intermission after the first of two sets. On the way home, Joanne and I stopped to buy some take home dinner at Arby's. We had dinner at home in front of the TV while watching Doc Martin, a quirky British show we have recently begun to follow on PBS.

Well ... it was just a matter of time ! ! ! Could have seen that one coming ! ! ! Two Marine helicopters on a night training mission had a mid-air collision and crashed in the desert nearby. Seven Marines were killed ! I wonder how long it's going to be until a fighter jet or other Yuma MCAS ( Marine Corps Air Station ) aircraft crashes into a local RV park ? ! ?

Friday ; Late this morning we headed to the clubhouse for a presentation and free lunch by Sky Med, an emergency medical air transport "insurance". Too expensive a luxury for us. Nice pizza lunch though ! Thank you, Sky Med.

Afterwards we went to run some errands. The primary objective was to buy a new TracFone cell phone at Family Dollar. We also did a small amount of grocery shopping at Albertsons. When we returned home Joanne discovered that the tomatoes she had left to sun dry in the Sun Oven were sun burned, not dried. OOOPS ! Desert sun in the spring time is pretty intense !

After today's pack walk ... with just the "rat pack" ... I went for a long bicycle ride. Once around the perimeter then up and down every road in the RV park, then out of the RV park to Ave. 3E, to Ave. 4E, then back to the park. Kofa Ko-op to Ave. 3E to Ave. 4E to Kofa Ko-op is two miles, so a total of somewhere in the vicinity of three miles, I guess.
I have named the "founders" of the daily pack walk ... Bo, Spanky, Riley, and Maizie ... the "rat pack". Bo is "Dean Martin". HA HA HA ! < singing > Everybody loves somebody sometime !

In the evening I spent WAY too long activating our new cell phone. Did I mention ... I hate activating cell phones, especially with a very bad Wi-Fi connection !

Saturday ; Another beautiful, hot day.

This morning we went to the clubhouse for a brunch potluck. Too bad it wasn't better attended. Maybe the 50/50 draw jackpot would have been larger. Joanne won it ! Long after everyone else had left we were still sitting there chatting with a couple from Golden, BC who have been here for most of this winter season and a newly arrived couple from Lethbridge, Alberta.

This afternoon I did a couple of very minor maintenance projects, did a little bit of computer work, then took a long nap with Sully and Bo. Sully thinks I should be napping with him more often. I agree ! HA HA HA !

On this afternoon's pack walk we had a new "pack member", Gracie, and her owners. We invited them to visit with us in our Arizona room after the pack walk. Afterwards we went over to a neighbour's "Happy Hour" where four couples sat around and chatted about their travel adventures. We were surprised by how adventurous an elderly neighbour couple were "back in the day". We should know better than to assume that old, slow people were always that way !

After a late supper we drove to Arby's ( slightly closer than Burger King ) to use their
Wi-Fi to make a phone call.


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