Wednesday, January 25, 2006

January 24, 2006

January 24, 2006

La Feria, Texas

YEAR 2 DAY 221


Today was sunny and warm, with a light breeze. Texas is windy in the winter.

First thing this morning I received a phone call from Knapp Chevrolet. Their service manager had phoned the service manager at Competition Chevrolet in Alberta. Then he phoned the Engineering Department of General Motors to discuss their ideas for solving my starter problem. The Engineering Department at General Motors essentially vetoes the ideas of the 2 dealership service managers. They feel that "after market" solutions cause more problems that they solve, and they will void any further warranty on my starter if Knapp makes any modifications < sigh >. Knapp will replace the starter on Monday, without any sort of modifications, and they will attempt to determine what is causing this problem to recur < big sigh >.

I did preventive maintenance, refilled the fresh water tank, drained the waste holding tanks, then cleaned and dried out the inside of Teddy's tent, which was a bit wet from the light rain of the past couple of days. I phoned BMO Direct Banking and paid the U.S.$ MasterCard billing. I took Bo for an obedience training session. Great work, Bo ... good dog !

We had lunch, then opened the awning. We were going to try cleaning it with the new awning cleaner we recently bought. When we cleaned the awning in Yuma, Arizona, there was some staining we couldn't get off. We tried the new awning cleaner but it didn't do much better than we had already done. We decided it wasn't worth cleaning the entire awning again for the small amount of improvement. Next I changed the lenses in my glasses. When I got new lenses just before we left Ottawa in June, 2004, I kept my old lenses. The new lenses which I got in June, 2004 are now quite scratched, and are bothering me. I think the scratching is from the clip-on sunglasses I use. I removed the "new" lenses, and replaced them with my "old" lenses. The difference in the prescription between the old and new lenses is negligible, and the old lenses aren't scratched. I might get new glasses or lenses in Mexico when we go down there in a few days. We spent some time sitting outside in the sun, reading. I got sleepy, so I came inside and napped for awhile.

Joanne tried a new recipe for supper tonight, preparing "brisket" which is popular here in the south. It was okay, but making "brisket" must be one of those things that one starts to learn as a child, watching it done by one's "mama". After supper, we watched a bit of TV, and as usual, I did today's accounting and journal entry.


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