Sunday, September 22, 2013

September 15 to 21, 2013

Sunday ; International Peace Garden, Manitoba / North Dakota border to Winnipeg / Lorette, Manitoba

This morning we dumped the waste holding tanks and refilled the freshwater tank before leaving the campground. We drove around the International Peace Garden "ring road". I recognized the grassy area that was the site of the Boy Scout International Jamboree that I attended here 47 years ago. I also recognized the area of the lake where I experienced my first ( of two in my life ! ) near drowning.

The actual "Peace Garden" is a mile and half of manicured flower gardens right on the international border, with walkways on both the North Dakota side and the Manitoba side. We parked the truck and trailer in a parking lot near the "9/11 Memorial" and started there.

We were surprised to find that the International Peace Garden 9/11 Memorial includes a display of broken girders from the World Trade Center. I found it hard to fathom that steel girders of that magnitude could be broken. Under the brilliant prairie sunlight, on a silent cool morning, I stared at them ... and cried.

We spent an hour or so walking around the flower gardens, admiring them, appreciating the serenity. The Province of Manitoba and the State of North Dakota long ago achieved their objective of creating a space that evokes "peace".

We spent a fairly long day driving east across Manitoba on country "back roads", arriving at my sister's home in Lorette ( just outside Winnipeg ) shortly after 6 PM. We had a pleasant evening visiting with Sharon and her husband Bud, and briefly with their daughter Andrea.. Sharon is recuperating from recent hip replacement surgery.

Monday ; WOO-HOO ! The father and son team from Winnipeg have just won Amazing Race Canada !

Today was sunny and mild. We spent this morning visiting with my sister and brother-in-law. This afternoon we ran errands. In Lorette we went to Co-op to refill with diesel, refill a propane tank, refill our five gallon water jug, and buy some groceries. We went to Winnipeg and bought a small electric heater at Goodwill, and jeans at Wal-Mart. In the evening we had dinner with Sharon and Bud, their daughter Andrea, and her fiancé Drew, whom we met for the first time tonight. After supper we all watched the finale of Amazing Race Canada.

Tuesday ; Today was mild but cloudy and windy.

We spent the morning and early afternoon visiting with Sharon and Bud. Mid-afternoon we drove into Winnipeg where I had an oil change done at Great Canadian Oil Change. This location was nowhere near as satisfactory as the location in Penticton. None of the service technicians knew exactly where to find the grease needle hole on the front drive shaft U-joint on our truck. AND ... despite me having been shown its precise location by the staff at the Penticton location of Great Canadian Oil Change, today I could not find it ! I spent 25 minutes in the pit underneath the truck along with various staff members trying to locate the grease needle hole. < sigh > I was frustrated and embarrassed. And if they weren't ... they should have been. It shouldn't be the responsibility of the customer to show them where the lubrication points are on any given vehicle !

After the oil change we went to Joanne’s sister’s home for supper and a visit. Lorraine wasn’t home from work yet when we arrived, but the two nieces, Madeleine and Amelia were already home from school. WOW ... they certainly have grown ... and grown up ... since I last saw them a few years ago.

We had supper and an evening of visiting with Lorraine, Madeleine, and Amelia ... and Macie the Bichon Frise.

Wednesday ; Today was cloudy and mild, with just a few drops of rain.

Sharon and Bud treated us to a day outing to Steinbach and area. Late this morning we drove to Steinbach and had lunch at the golf club restaurant. We did a bit of shopping at the town shopping mall, and then went to browse ... and buy ... at the local thrift store. Bought interesting stuff at a good price at the thrift store which is operated by the Mennonite community. We also stocked up on some fresh cheese products at a local cheese dairy in New Bothwell.

Sharon and Bud drove into Winnipeg late in the afternoon for some wedding dress shopping with their daughter. While they were gone Joanne and I prepared a B.C. salmon dinner for the four of us. We had dinner then watched the season premiere of Survivor.

Thursday ; Today was cloudy and mild.

We spent the day working on the retrieval of our artwork that we left here nine years ago. It's the primary reason for this trip to Winnipeg. We sorted through what was in storage in my sister's basement, carried it out to the trailer, and packed it, ready for travel back to B.C.

Sharon made a wonderfully eclectic lunch. Home made borscht, and home made poutine made with fresh cheese curds that we bought yesterday at the cheese dairy in New Bothwell.

Late in the afternoon Joanne drove herself into Winnipeg to spend the evening visiting with her sister. I had supper with Sharon & Bud, then they drove me into Winnipeg, to Joanne's sister's. They dropped me off, picked up Joanne, and drove back to their home in Lorette, leaving me at Joanne's sister's home, with our truck parked out front. I went out with Joanne's brother-in-law Doug for a couple of hours of visiting.

Friday ; Cloudy and cool. Second day of an ulcerative colitis flare up.

Spent the morning visiting with Sharon and Bud. Had lunch with Sharon and Bud. Went into Winnipeg in the afternoon to run errands before having supper with friends. Errands included buying pickerel fillets, pickerel cheeks, and smoked Lake Winnipeg Goldeye at Gimli Fish Market.

Had supper and an evening of visiting with very long time friends Shirley and Darcy. Went to high school with Shirley. She was Joanne's "Maid of Honour" at our wedding almost 39 years ago.

Saturday ; AHHHHH ... a beautiful, sunny fall day !

I spent the entire day visiting with my sister and brother-in-law. Joanne drove herself into Winnipeg in mid-afternoon to visit her sister. Bo and I went for a long walk with Bud. Sharon, Bud and I sat around a backyard campfire that Bud made. We ate. Then we ate some more. After that ... we ate again. It's what we do at my sister's ! It's a family thing ! When Joanne returned in the evening ... we all ate !


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