Tuesday, April 26, 2005

April 25, 2005

April 25, 2005

Vancouver / Surrey to Abbotsford, B.C.

DAY 312


Another sunny, warm day.

I am working on the computer at the picnic table in our campsite, in the afternoon sun light, in this lovely forest setting high up on a mountain side just north of Abbotsford. The birds are singing in the forest. Bo is lying on the picnic table beside the computer. Joanne has just called me over to point out that we missed the fact that the expensive campground we stayed at last night in Surrey gives a 25 % discount to Explorer RV Club members, which we are. That really frosts my cake !

We stayed at that expensive campground last night so we could be reasonably close to Vancouver, and our friends Dwight and Jennifer. This morning we decided to move a short distance down the road to a rural, and much less expensive campground. We drove east on Hwy. 1 about half an hour to Abbotsford, then spent another 45 minutes driving around lost, looking for this campground.

We set up in our campsite, had lunch, then I took a well deserved nap. Now I'm catching up on three days worth of my journal, and doing some accounting, and preparing outgoing e-mail. I really need to get online soon. Joanne is doing some trip planning, and seems to have found a campground in Hope that has Wi-Fi. We'll go there tomorrow, and I'll be able to get a lot done online with Wi-Fi.

I spent the entire afternoon at the picnic table, working on the computer. As the sun began to set, and the air started to cool off, we took Bo for an obedience session, walking around the campground. He's doing great. Now I need to begin to figure out how to make him better behaved around visitors to our "home". I don't think Dwight and Jennifer were too impressed with his behaviour last night. Bo's a "liberal thinker", and believes he should be entitled to jump up onto anybody's lap, whenever he wants.

I lit a campfire, using oak from the Missouri Ozarks, and cedar that I picked up in Porpoise Bay Provincial Park a few days ago. The cedar smells nice as it burns. It was such a lovely, warm evening, in such a beautiful, mountain forest setting that we barbecued, and ate supper outdoors at the picnic table, beside the campfire. First outdoor meal in quite awhile, and first campfire in quite awhile.


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