Sunday, April 3, 2005

April 3, 2005

April 3, 2005

Garberville, California

DAY 289


Today was cloudy and cool, with heavy rain for most of the day.

We spent the morning, and the early part of the afternoon, washing the truck and trailer in the heavy rain. We had noticed yesterday that some other people were washing their rigs here, so we decided to stay here today and do the same. Most campgrounds prohibit washing of rigs. The last time we washed the truck and trailer was in Pecos, Texas. Lots of desert dust and grime, caked on with a bit of rain, baked on by lots of sunshine, lots of spring bugs on the front of the trailer ... the truck and trailer were really filthy already. When we woke, and saw it was raining heavily, we were uncertain whether to stay and wash the rig, or go, but we decided we can't stop living because of a little rain. Whether washing the rig, or driving these narrow mountain roads, it was going to be a bit of a tough, miserable day. We thought the heavy rain might actually help with the rig washing, and it did. But by the time we were finished, we were pretty tired, wet, and miserable feeling. We came in, took off all our wet clothing and shoes, got dried, and had a late lunch. I napped while Joanne got caught up on laundry. We haven't had an opportunity to do laundry in about 2 weeks.

By late afternoon the rain had stopped so we walked across the highway to see a couple of tourist attractions and gift shops. First was the "One Log House", a 3 room house carved out of a long piece of a giant redwood tree. We shopped inside the gift shop and wood carving / redwood furniture shop. We bought some gifts. Then we walked down to the next place over. A gift shop, and redwood carving and furniture shop centred on a giant, old redwood tree named "Grandfather". The oldest and largest redwood trees have names. Grandfather is over 300 feet tall. Today's blog picture is Joanne standing in front of Grandfather. As we were walking away from Grandfather, Joanne tripped and fell ! Twisted shoulder, twisted hand, dirty knees !

We walked back across the highway to the RV park, and while Joanne finished up laundry, I took Bo for an obedience training session. Then I did some computer work. Since I had Wi-Fi last night and today, I downloaded bank statements and investment statements.


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