Sunday, May 28, 2017

May 21 to 27, 2017

Sunday ;  Sunny and very warm.  Again !  How very nice !

Once again we spent much of the day tending to our garage sale.  We did better today than yesterday.  We planted our vegetable garden today.  I prepared the truck for service on Tuesday.  I removed the valve extenders, wheel liners, and hub caps. 
I responded to a trailer towing quote request.  I worked on repairing a kitchen cupboard door.  As the sun dipped down below the top of the mountain across the river ( about 6:30 PM ) we took Bo to the dog park.  While Joanne prepared supper I posted my weekly journal to my blog.

Monday ;  Victoria Day ( Canadian holiday )

Sunny and hot.  Wonderful !

I woke up this morning wanting a special brunch.  SO ... I made pancakes, one of my specialties.  MMMMM ... they were good.  Especially with fresh Canadian maple syrup.  First outdoor task was to set up the Sun Oven while Joanne prepared my favourite Sun Oven recipe, a Mexican chicken and rice dish.  I put the pot into the Sun Oven and monitored / adjusted the Sun Oven all day until it was cooked.  MMMMM ... again !

Joanne worked on planting on our front yard rock slope, a difficult job.  Most of the Russian Sage plants that she planted on the rock slope a few years ago died over the harsh winter just passed.  While she did the difficult work on the rocks I was her
"go-fer".  I watered our tomato and vegetable gardens.  Joanne watered her herb garden.  HMPH !  Four of my eight tomato plants don't look so healthy.  We loaded most of the remaining garage sale items into the minivan, to be donated tomorrow to the Salvation Army in Penticton.  I kept a few of the larger items that already have online "for sale" ads posted.

This afternoon a park resident's visiting sister had an automobile accident as she left our RV park and entered the highway.  Apparently she turned out of our RV park into the path of an oncoming large pickup truck with an ATV in the back, and hauling a travel trailer.  HMMM ... large pickup truck with ATV in the back, hauling a travel trailer, versus small SUV.  Guess who won ? ! ?  Quite a scene at the entrance to our park, with two RCMP cruisers, a fire truck, and an ambulance.

In the evening I worked on monthly computer maintenance.

Tuesday ;  Sunny and hot, extremely windy in the evening.

This morning I left home at 10 AM in the truck, headed for a day of errands in Penticton, including three truck service appointments.  Ambitious and tricky scheduling !  About the time I arrived in Penticton at 11 AM Joanne left home in the minivan, also heading for Penticton.  First stop for me was Integra Tire where I had a tire rotation and brake inspection.  That was finished just in time for me to make it to my next appointment at noon.  AND ... I would have been on time if Joanne had not been seven minutes late meeting me at Integra Tire !  < fume >

I dropped the truck off at Westech Automotive to have the rear axle universal joint replaced.  Joanne and I headed off in the minivan to drop off a large load of donations at Salvation Army.  Then we shopped briefly in the Salvation Army Thrift Store, buying three items that we don't really need.  HEY ... circle of life.  HA HA HA !  Next stop was Value Village for a couple more items we don't really need.  HA HA HA HA HA !  Well ... I actually did need one of the two items I bought.

We went to Cherry Lane Mall to have lunch in the food court.  By the time we were finished lunch the truck was ready to be picked up.  We returned to Westech Automotive, picked up the truck, and took it to Parker's Chrysler to have the passenger's side airbag replaced on recall.  While the air bag was being replaced at Parker's we went shopping at Wal-Mart and then Superstore for groceries.  After grocery shopping we picked up the truck and took both vehicles for fuel refilling at Real Canadian Warehouse Fuel Bar.  Then Joanne headed back home in the minivan, with a stop in Keremeos to refill our five gallon water jug, and I went to Home Hardware in Penticton to buy an advertised special before I headed home.  We both arrived home about the same time, around 7 PM.

WHEW ... bit of a hectic day !  I barbecued Dan-O-Cheeseburgers for supper, along with grilling a head of Romaine lettuce for a grilled Romaine salad.

Wednesday ;
  Cloudy, chilly, windy.

The weather was once again not conducive to working outdoors, so ... another somewhat unproductive day.  I torqued the truck's lug nuts then reinstalled the wheel liners, valve extenders, and hub caps.  Joanne watered the vegetable garden, the tomato garden, and the herb garden.  I made some phone calls.  I posted a few more ads on Kijiji, advertising a few more of the neighbour's shed items for sale.  I kept about a half dozen items for sale and donated everything else to the Salvation Army in Penticton yesterday.  In the evening we watched the three hour season finale of Survivor.

Thursday ;  Mostly sunny, mild.

After trimming my beard this afternoon we visited with our friend / neighbour Jeanine while our laundry was washing and drying.  After we returned home I did some purging of jackets and sweaters.  I bought a jacket and a sweater at Value Village in Penticton on Tuesday, and realized that I can't just keep buying "new" ( to me ) stuff without ever getting rid of older stuff.  After supper we watched Amazing Race.

Friday ;
  Sunny and warm.

Today I worked on, and completed, an annual truck maintenance chore that I dislike. 
I removed the truck's "permanent" air filter, cleaned it, dried it, oiled it, and reinstalled it.  I phoned the My Health Portal office and they provided me with the information
I needed to complete our enrolment in the My Health Portal online service that allows one to access their own health care records online.  I watered our vegetable and tomato gardens.  I paid some bills online.  I reconciled our monthly MasterCard statement.  YIKES !  We certainly do spend a lot of money in the first month after we return from the south each year.

Saturday ;
  Sunny and hot.  Joanne cooked a wonderful sausage and potato stew in the Sun Oven today.

This morning I did some routine preventive maintenance on both the truck and minivan.  Then I began working on removing the old and cracked caulking from around the camper's bedroom escape hatch / roof vent.  I removed about a quarter of it today, and will continue to do about a quarter of it each day until it's done.

After lunch Joanne went into Keremeos to run some errands.  I napped with the animals.  HEY ... why not ? ! ?  Afterwards I cleaned and polished shoes, then repaired the minivan's windshield moulding which had come loose today while Joanne was driving to town and back.  The neighbours had to go to Penticton Hospital for a scheduled test for Gord.  They asked us to care for Ozzie for a few hours.  We took Bo and Ozzie to the dog park, and then for a walk.  When we were done Ozzie didn't want to come to our house, he just wanted to go back home.


Sunday, May 21, 2017

May 14 to 20, 2017

Sunday ;  Sometimes sunny and mild, sometimes cloudy and chilly.

We washed the truck camper today.  We went for a long leisurely walk with Bo during the warmest part of the day.  I mounted two lengths of solar rope lighting, one along the low wood "fence" beside the minivan and one along the top rail of the deck outside our living room.

Monday ;  Cloudy, chilly, occasional rain.

Another uninspiring, lazy, unproductive day.  I need better weather !  We watered and turned our composter today.  I spent the rest of the day reading, napping, puttering around on the computer.

Tuesday ;  Mostly cloudy, chilly, occasional light rain.  < sigh >

I did a small amount of outdoor work today.  Joanne went into Keremeos to run some errands.  I made some phone calls.  I did some paperwork.  Perogies for supper was my last meal for two days.  Colonoscopy on Thursday.

Wednesday ;
  Sunny and cool.

I had a lazy and sick day.  Gastrointestinal lavage ... for tomorrow's colonoscopy !

Thursday ;  Sunny and cool.

This morning I was up at 7 AM to take my fifth and final dose of the gastrointestinal lavage drink mixture, a terrible tasting and nauseating liquid that must be drunk quickly, in large quantity.  And as soon as you're finished drinking it ... start heading for the
toilet !

We left home at 10:30 AM and arrived in Penticton at 11:30 AM.  We stopped at Rona to buy one item and return one item before heading for Penticton Hospital.  Joanne dropped me off at the hospital then went running errands for a few hours.  I reported on time, at noon, for my colonoscopy.  I was prepped and wheeled into the procedure room right on time at 1 PM.  The procedure ended about 1:45 PM and I rested in a recovery area for about an hour.  When Joanne picked me up about 2:45 PM we drove to a local park for me to have a small lunch.  I had not eaten for forty-four hours.

When we arrived home around 5 PM or so I actually felt not too bad, all things considered.  I went to nap and ... woke up about an hour later, shivering with cold and with a fever.  HUH ?  That has never happened before !  And I have had a lot of colonoscopies over the last twenty-five years or so.

My body seemed to be having considerable difficulty fighting off the anaesthesia medications administered ; Fentanyl and Versed, a powerful analgesic and an amnesiac.  I was shivering with cold, running a fever, and was dizzy.  Joanne phoned the local South Similkameen Health Centre and was connected to the local doctor on call.  Not surprisingly ... he was useless.  My confidence in the local doctors has ... diminished a lot in the last few years.

I wanted to procrastinate heading back to Penticton Hospital, an hour away, hoping
I would improve.  Joanne wrapped me in blankets, turned on the heater in the bedroom, gave me some Gatorade to drink, and checked my temperature every fifteen minutes or so for the next hour.  After about an hour I began to feel a bit warmer, and less dizzy, although my temperature was still rising.  I got out of bed, went to the living room, and tried to relax while watching TV.

Joanne and I made some toast and soft boiled eggs for me to eat.  I ate slowly, and my fever remained, fluctuating around 102 degrees.  The more I drank Gatorade and slowly put food into my stomach, and urinated, the more my body seemed to be able to metabolize the Fentanyl and Versed drugs out of me.

Around 9 PM ... SHEEESH ... I got too hot and had to open the door to the deck to get some fresh air into the living room.  And I began to experience angina.  But ... my fever temperature dropped slowly back to normal and by about 11 PM as Amazing Race was ending ... my fever was gone, my angina was gone, and I felt comfortable, neither sweltering nor shivering.

What a strange evening ! ! !  Never had a reaction like that to a colonoscopy before ! ! !

Friday ;  Sunny and mild.  It's about time !

This morning we drove into Keremeos ( Joanne did the driving today ... I was still legally "impaired" from yesterday's anaesthesia ) and while Joanne went for a doctor's appointment I refilled our five gallon water jug then < sigh > waited for her to be finished.  Yeah ... now I remember.  The chronic inability to stay on schedule is one of the reasons why I stopped using the South Similkameen Health Centre's doctors.  We drove to Cawston and bought garden bedding plants at Little Bush's Greenhouse.

Back at home we worked on preparing for tomorrow's yard sale.  We will be trying to sell the contents of our next door neighbour's shed.  Joanne did most of the work of pricing the articles for sale.  I exercised our little generator.  I did some caulking repair on the camper.  I recently removed some ( incorrect ) latex caulking and replaced it today with ( correct ) silicone caulking.  We removed some Yucca plants from one of our flower beds and replaced them with a rhubarb plant I bought today.  Wish me luck !  I have killed the last two rhubarb plants that I have tried to grow.  And yet ... < sigh > ... everybody seems to be able to grow rhubarb like weeds !

We visited with our neighbour / friend Jeanine ... for too long.  We left her home at 8 PM to return to ours to prepare supper.  It was 9 PM by the time we sat down to eat dinner.

Saturday ;
  Sunny and very warm.  AHHHHH ... finally !

We spent most of the day attending to our yard sale, advertised in the local newspaper ; noon to 4 PM.  First buyers showed up at 8:30 AM ... pissed off that not everything was already on display.  Go pound sand, ***hole !

Almost everything in our yard sale inventory came from our next door neighbour's shed, and we were selling it all on the neighbour's behalf.  Our friend / neighbour Jeanine came over around 11 AM and added another dozen or more items from her shed.  Most of the real buyers arrived between noon and 1 PM.  We sold a half dozen or so items in that time period, and nothing else for the rest of the day.  It was a bit disappointing, but tomorrow is another day.

We met the new owners of the lot next door today.  They arrived in early afternoon.  It was the woman's first time seeing their new lot.  The husband bought it without her seeing it.  It was obvious that she was shocked and dismayed by the quantity of weeds on their lot.  Yes, yes ... without a lot of attention, the lots in this park turn into weed infested rock piles pretty darn quickly !  They spent the afternoon under the hot sun pulling weeds.  They will be back for more of the same tomorrow.  Nice to meet you, Paul and Sandy.  Welcome to the neighbourhood.

I planted my tomato garden late this afternoon.  Joanne planted her herb garden.  Tomorrow we will plant our vegetable garden.


Sunday, May 14, 2017

May 7 to 13, 2017

Sunday ;  Sunny and mild.

Well ... today Joanne is a cancer survivor for sixteen years.  And I'm thankful for that !

Once again I spent most of the day dealing with the next door neighbour's shed contents.  His shed is now empty.  All his stuff is in our yard and shed, sorted into ;
- to sell
- to donate
- to discard

Late in the afternoon we took Bo for a long walk around the park and along the riverfront.  The river level has dropped a couple of feet from yesterday.  But ... it will rise again as the weather warms and the snow high up in Manning Provincial Park (headwaters of the Similkameen River) melts.  We met and chatted with Jeanine and her dog Charlie, and Colleen and her dog (the other) Bo.

Monday ;  Sunny and mild.

This morning I prepared and submitted our ballots for the upcoming ( postponed and rescheduled ) annual general meeting of Riverside RV Park Resort.  Then I took more photos of more stuff to sell on behalf of the next door neighbour.

This afternoon I downloaded the photos to my laptop.  I set up a records keeping spreadsheet to record the neighbour's items for sale.  Joanne filled out the spreadsheet.  She also went into town to buy some groceries.  I napped !  We took Bo to the dog park, picked up our mail from the community mailboxes, and I returned a book to the library.  I returned a phone call to our election employment supervisor about tomorrow's election duties.  I posted online ads for some of the neighbour's stuff to sell, a painstakingly slow process !

Tuesday ;  Sunny and mild.

Left home this morning at 6:45 AM to head into town to work as election officials at the polling station in Keremeos.  Worked from 7 AM to 9:45 PM.  Arrived home at 10 PM, very tired.  Very long day, but fairly easy money, all things considered.

Your tax dollars at work.  Thanks for the pay cheque !  Two pay cheques, actually !

Wednesday ;
  Sunny and warm.  Too bad it's not going to last.

We slept late this morning, well deserved after yesterday's fifteen hour work day.  Just after noon I loaded a bunch of junk from the neighbour's shed into the minivan and hauled it to the local dump.

This afternoon I posted more ads online to sell the neighbour's shed contents.  We took Bo for a walk to the dog park.  Joanne did laundry.  I went bicycling to enjoy the fine weather.  We watched Survivor while having a great home made pizza for supper.

Yesterday Emma stayed home alone while Bo spent the day next door with Gord, Marcie, and their dog Ozzie.  Bo was a bit worried and sad.  Emma was anxious.

Thursday ;  Cloudy, mild, occasional light rain.

This morning just before 11 AM we headed into Keremeos.  Joanne had an appointment at the lab for a blood test.  I dropped her off at the South Similkameen Health Centre, then went to the Post Office to pick up a parcel.  On the way back to pick Joanne up I stopped at the pharmacy to check whether or not my gastroenterologist had dealt with the prescription ... < ahem > ... "inaccuracies" that my pharmacist had sent to her by fax.  She had not !

I picked Joanne up and we drove to Penticton for a long, tough day of running errands.  First stop was my gastroenterologist's office to "expedite" the "clarifications" required by the pharmacist.  You know ... it should not have to be the responsibility of the patient to hassle the doctor because of careless prescription writing errors !  By the time one graduates from medical school they should know the difference between grams and milligrams !  Those kinds of prescription writing errors kill people, n'est-ce pas ? ! ?

We finished our errands in Penticton around 4:30 PM.  On the way back home we made a stop to sell one of the neighbour's shed items to a lady near Twin Lakes who contacted me by e-mail yesterday evening within a few hours of me posting the ads.  Surprisingly ... the very first neighbour's shed items sold was ... < sputter > ... the goofiest item in the shed.  Go figure !

In the evening we watched Amazing Race.  And I bought tickets online for the Folk On The Rocks music festival in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, in mid-July.

Friday ;  Cold and raining.  YUCK !

Cold, rainy days inspire laziness for me.  I puttered around doing a variety of small projects.  I went over to see our neighbour / friend Jeanine to buy her small 12 volt fridge.  Now we have three of them ... one in each of our vehicles.  HA HA HA !  We find them to be very useful.

Saturday ;
  Cold and raining.  YUCK !  Again !

Not a very work inspiring day.  Again !  I installed a wireless door chime I bought at Harbor Freight in Yuma, Arizona.  We did some Northwest Territories trip planning.  Joanne had a phone chat with her sister in Winnipeg.  I spent much of the day puttering around on the computer.  I exchanged a lot of back and forth e-mails with a couple of Similkameen Trailer Towing clients ; a repeat customer and a potential new client.

And then ... HA HA HA HA HA ... LIVE !  FROM NEW YORK ! ! !


Sunday, May 7, 2017

April 30 to May 6, 2017

Sunday ;  Sunny and chilly.

After an early ( for us ) lunch we headed to Penticton to attend the 2 PM concert of the Penticton Tune-Agers, a seniors' choir and orchestra that our neighbour / friend Jeanine is a member of, along with two other residents of our RV park.  As this year is Canada's 150th birthday, it was a concert of mostly Canadian songs.  Very enjoyable !

After the concert we took the truck for its annual spring time fluids service ; change the oil and filter, lubricate the front suspension points and front driveshaft, change the front differential and rear differential fluids, and change the transfer case fluid.  Close to four hundred bucks !  And while we were there at Great Canadian Oil Change we drove the truck through their car wash, one of the few car washes I've ever seen that can accommodate a dually pickup truck.  Shopping at Dollar Tree, shopping at Wal-Mart, and we were heading home around 6 PM, arriving home around 7 PM.  WHEW ...
tired !

Very late in the evening I made reservations at a campground near Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, for the weekend of the Folk On The Rocks Music Festival in

Monday ;
  Cloudy, cool, intermittent light rain.

Made some phone calls this morning.  Prepared for a meeting with our investment advisor and an appointment with my cardiologist tomorrow.  Activated our new Canadian cell phone.  And you know how much I love our semi-annual phone set up drama ! ! !

Spent the evening reconciling our monthly bank statements and updating and analyzing our investment files in advance of tomorrow's meeting.

Tuesday ;  Sunny and mild.

This morning we headed to Penticton for a day of appointments and errands.  Once in Penticton I dropped Joanne off at Value Village, then ran some quick and easy errands.  I dropped off a redundant cell phone at the recycling place, got a tire rotation estimate at a tire place, and a truck repair estimate at an automotive service place. 
I picked Joanne up at Value Village and drove to the medical centre adjacent to Penticton Hospital for an appointment with my cardiologist.  Joanne went to another thrift store while I was seeing my doctor.  When I was finished at the cardiologist's she picked me up at the medical centre and we drove to Cherry Lane Mall to buy a few items at London Drugs and then have a late lunch in the food court.  After lunch we drove to our investment advisor's office for an annual investment review.  Not much to review ; the stock market has been reasonably generous to us this past year.  Not much point in changing anything when everything is going well.  Don't try to fix what ain't broke !

After our meeting with Judy ( our investment advisor ) we went shopping at Wal-Mart, then grocery shopping at Superstore.  We left Penticton about 6 PM and arrived back home about 7 PM.  Tired !

Wednesday ;
  Sunny and warm.  It's about time !

This morning I did some schedule planning, and made some appointments.

This afternoon we gave Bo a bath.  Joanne did some laundry.  I unloaded and put away the contents of a large tote full of stuff that we bought in Yuma, mostly guy stuff that
I bought.  I prepared fresh burger patties and once again barbecued Dan-O-Cheeseburgers for supper.  THWACK !  Another home run !  We ate supper while watching Survivor.

I spent the late evening reviewing all the documents sent in support of our park's upcoming rescheduled annual general meeting, reading the more important ones out loud to Joanne, and discussing them with her.  What an aggravating and depressing exercise.  We've been residents in this park for over ten years, and political stupidity and ineptitude have been a constant !

Thursday ;
  Sunny and warm.  Brief but violent thunderstorm in the evening.

This morning we headed into town ( Keremeos ) for my 11 AM appointment at the lab at the health clinic.  I had blood drawn, and pissed into a jar.  We drove to the Legion in town and voted at the advance poll.  As election officials working on the upcoming election day, we can't vote on election day.  I dropped off some new prescriptions at the pharmacy.  We bought some fresh produce at Sanderson Farms, then drove back home for lunch.

After lunch it was time to drive back into town again for Joanne's 2 PM doctor’s appointment.  I dropped her off at the doctor's office, then went back to the pharmacy to pick up my prescriptions.  I returned to the health clinic to wait for Joanne.  A resident of our RV park that we don't know very well came in for a doctor's appointment.  She and
I chatted while I waited for Joanne to be finished, and she waited to see the same doctor as Joanne.

Back at home Joanne began to work on planting our vegetable garden.  I worked on medication records keeping.  I'm so well organized ... ( read that "OCD" ).  I barbecued jerk chicken for supper, and in the evening we watched Amazing Race.  Late in the evening I tried, but failed because of the thunderstorm, to send an electronic birthday card to Amelia.

Friday ;  Happy 16th Birthday to Joanne's niece Amelia

Sunny and warm.

Around noon our next door "weekender" neighbour from the Lower Mainland / Vancouver area showed up to clean out the shed on his lot.  He and his wife have sold their lot.  He had a friend with him to help, with a pickup truck and small utility trailer.  Nevertheless ... there was a lot more stuff in the shed and the yard than could be fit into the truck and trailer.  Joe and I reached a "deal".  I will clean everything out of his yard and shed, within the next nine days ... the new lot owner takes possession in ten days ... and I will sell as much of his stuff as I can, for a contingency sales fee.

Not surprisingly, Joanne and I spent the rest of the afternoon hauling stuff from Joe's yard and shed to our yard, and sorting / cleaning / fixing it ; to sell, to donate, to discard.  < sigh >  Seemed like a much larger job that I thought it would be.  And we're far from finished.

Anybody want to buy a bear skull ? ! ?  < rolling my eyes >  I was in favour of taking it to Yuma and displaying it in one of our cactus gardens.  Joanne vetoed that idea.  HA HA HA !

Saturday ;
  Sunny, mild, windy.

We spent most of the day dealing with the next door neighbour's shed contents.  We brought stuff over from their shed to our picnic table, cleaned it, photographed it, catalogued it, and found places to store it until sold.  Despite all the effort, there doesn't seem to be all that much of value in there !  All of our efforts will certainly be "under paid".  And the neighbour will probably be disappointed in how much money ends up in his pocket when all is said and done.  Oh, well ... another argument for NOT continuously acquiring "stuff" !

At 5 PM we departed for Oliver, about an hour and a quarter way.  When we arrived in Oliver we went directly to Frank Venables Theatre and bought two tickets for tonight's performance by SOAP ... South Okanagan Amateur Players ... of a Vancouver playwright's play "Since You Left Us".  Once we had our tickets we went to Oliver Garden Restaurant for an AYCE / ETYS Chinese buffet meal.  It was our first time eating there, and while the "smorgasbord" had less choices than most Chinese buffet restaurants, the food was very good.  We will definitely eat there again.  In the restaurant we bumped into old neighbours / friends Mitch and Diane.  They were residents of Riverside RV Park Resort when we moved in more than ten years ago.  And ten and a half years ago, Mitch sold us our first lot in the park when he was the park developer's first sales agent. And a few years later, when he was working for a Penticton RV dealer he gave me my first independent trailer towing job, that became the genesis of Similkameen Trailer Towing.

Nice to see you again, Mitch and Diane !

After supper we returned to Frank Venables Theatre for the play.  It was ... okay.  Perhaps a bit overpriced for community theater, but then again ... we're suffering "sticker shock" over Canadian prices as we do every year upon our return from Arizona.  The play was over at 9:30 PM, and we didn't arrive home until 11 PM.  As pleasant as the drive between Oliver and home is during daylight, we both dislike night driving.