Sunday, August 26, 2012

August 19 to 25, 2012

Sunday ; And yet another sunny, very hot day !

This morning I prepared myself a picnic lunch and at noon headed for Princeton for the final day of the Princeton Traditional Music Festival. I stopped at Bromley Rock Provincial Park intending to have my picnic lunch there but it was so crowded I didn't stay. I drove to Princeton, got myself comfortably set up near one of the two stages, and leisurely ate my lunch listening to music.

I spent the entire afternoon at the music festival, until it ended at 5:30 PM. Unfortunately, none of the many performances I attended today were as good as yesterday's. And about five minutes into the final performance, a violent thunderstorm blew in over the mountains surrounding the town of Princeton, the skies abruptly opened up and a torrential rainfall came down for about ten or fifteen minutes. The stage, performers, and most of the audience were underneath a large tent canopy, but with the strong winds the rain was moving almost horizontally. Everybody and everything got wet ! But ... it was over quickly, and the show went on ... such as it was !

I did some grocery shopping in Princeton before returning home. Supper was very late, for the second night in a row, and bedtime was even later. WOW ... my workload certainly is a lot larger when Joanne is not here. This evening I received an e-mail that she has arrived safely in Winnipeg. WHEW ... long ( two day ) bus trip !

Monday ; WHEW ... still sunny and hot. Coming to an end soon, though, I think.

This afternoon I went into Keremeos to run a couple of errands, then headed to Osoyoos for an aviation medical. My aviation medical examiner is a retired Osoyoos doctor who still does aviation medical examinations out of his lovely waterfront home. After my aviation medical examination I did a bit of grocery shopping in Osoyoos before returning home.

Princeton on Saturday, Princeton on Sunday, Osoyoos on Monday, Joanne gone to Winnipeg, so I have to cook and clean up by myself, ... I'm not getting much done on my "to do" list.

Tuesday ; It's finally cooled down. And from mid-afternoon until mid-evening it rained intermittently but heavily. Summer thunderstorms. That really interrupted and impeded the "home improvement" project that I was working on. I was cutting a piece of Plexiglas as a window vent panel for our portable air conditioner. I’ve never worked with Plexiglas before. It’s tough to cut, especially when cutting an oblong shaped opening in it. I got quite a bit of help from my next door neighbour. The finished product is very good.

Today I also took pictures of lot 89 now that the trailer is off it, and posted the “bare lot” pictures on our online ads to sell lot 89. I harvested lettuce just before lunch, and used it to make a shrimp salad. I harvested our lettuce yesterday and today, and there is still quite a bit more to harvest. BUT ... perhaps because of the very hot weather lately, the lettuce is not great.

This evening I watched a couple of firefighting helicopters with buckets at the end of long lines underneath, repeatedly filling their buckets in the Similkameen River. And I watched that from the deck off our living room ! How cool is that ? ! ? Once their buckets were full they would climb as rapidly as possible over the top of the mountain across the river. They would be back with an empty bucket in just a few minutes, so I guess they were fighting a fire nearby. There was lots of thunder and lightning today, so perhaps a fire caused by lightning ?

Wednesday ; The helicopters were back at it this morning. Today was sunny and warm, chilly in the morning and late in the evening. Summer is winding down, fall is approaching.

I spent the day continuing to work on minor maintenance and home improvement projects. And I harvested more of our not very good lettuce.

Thursday ; BRRRRR ... today was sunny but cool !

Well ... it's been three long years but tonight Dan Air flight 408 finally took to the skies.
I spent the morning doing chores and maintenance and home improvement projects. In the afternoon I went to Penticton and ran errands. In the evening I went to the Penticton Flying Club and took their Cessna 172 C-GBFB ( Bravo Foxtrot Bravo ) for a "test drive".
I am contemplating buying a "share" of C-GBFB.

Great flight ! And my flying skills were nowhere near as "rusty" as I expected them to be.
I took off from Penticton, did a touch and go circuit, then headed north to Trout Creek at Summerland, turned into the Marron Valley, did some slow flight and steep turn exercises in the Marron Valley, flew out of the Marron Valley near Kaleden, flew over Skaha Lake to Oliver, did a touch and go at Oliver, then flew back to Penticton and landed. Three excellent landings, all with gusting crosswinds. Well done, Daniel !

Friday ; Today was sunny and mild. The hot summer is apparently over.

Had a long telephone chat with Joanne today. Cut shelving for the bathroom cupboard. Had a lot of help from my next door neighbour, whose carpentry skills far exceed mine. Which isn't difficult, mine are almost non-existent. Plus ... he's got all the nifty power tools. We used his expensive table saw with the even more expensive Melamine blade. Thank you very much, Gord.

Saturday ; Today was sunny and warm, very windy.

Took some Sun Oven dried tomatoes and banana chips to my next door neighbour as a bit of a thank you for his help. Accepted a cup of coffee and spent the morning chatting about RV travel in Mexico.

I Sun Oven dried a fresh pineapple cut into slices. It wasn't as good as I had hoped.

I spent much of today harvesting then cleaning produce from our tiny garden at lot 89 and planters on lot 4. Every year I think the same thing about gardening ; what a lot of work for very little produce. Why have I planted a garden for 35 of the last 38 years ? ! ? Did some raking and levelling yard work. I'm getting too old for shovelling rocks !


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