Sunday, June 25, 2017

June 18 to 24, 2017

Sunday ; 13th anniversary of retirement

WOW ... what a great thirteen year ride !  We feel very privileged to have achieved thirteen years of happy, healthy retirement, filled with adventure.

Today was cloudy and cool, with a bit of light rain in the morning.  Not exactly the perfect "June 18 day" that was our first day of retirement in 2004.  HA HA HA !

This afternoon we visited our friend Jeanine, then old friends Dorothy and Mike. 
I brushed Emma, something I had not done before.  She liked it !  I programmed the brand new Star Choice / Shaw Direct remote control I bought yesterday at the SunKatchers yard sale.  Best fifty cents I've ever spent !  HA HA HA !

Monday ;  Cloudy, warm, humid.

Had a pretty lazy day.  Spent much of the day lying in bed reading a book.  And occasionally falling asleep for a few minutes.  HA HA HA !  Mini-naps, over and over.  Visited briefly with Jeanine who came over with a form that she needed some help with.  Had to turn away a trailer towing quote request for a significant trailer towing job to take place while we're away on our upcoming trip to the Northwest Territories.

Tuesday ;  Mix of sun and clouds, warm and humid again.

Had another lazy day, filled with reading and snoozing.  Returned a form to Jeanine, and picked some of her rhubarb for us.  Joanne baked an apple and rhubarb dessert this afternoon.  Filled out passport renewal forms this afternoon, buy won't submit them until late August.

Wednesday ;  Mix of sun and clouds, warm, windy.

This morning we drove into Keremeos to run some errands.  I dropped Joanne off at Sanderson Farms to buy some produce while I went to Autumn Rain Hair Design to make an appointment for a haircut and beard trim.  I returned to Sanderson Farms and assisted Joanne with the produce shopping.  Finally !  Local cherries are ready !  We bought some large Santini cherries as they were being brought into the fruit stand by one of the farm workers.  Then while I refilled a five gallon water jug Joanne went to the grocery store to buy some steaks.

This afternoon we cleaned ... and cleaned out ... our shed.  Joanne wanted to
remove / relocate everything in the shed so that she could clean the floor.  Doing that was an opportunity to purge.  Stuff went to the garbage, to the burn pile, to our firewood inventory, and into the minivan to be taken to the Salvation Army in Penticton tomorrow.

Before supper we went for a long walk around the RV park.  Because ... I need more exercise.

Thursday ;  Sunny and very warm.  The weather is turning very nice again.

I am suffering with a flare up of gout in my left foot, around the ankle mostly.  It made for a painful day, with impaired mobility.  We spent the day in Penticton running errands, including meeting a couple who drove down from Sorrento to buy one of our neighbour's shed items that we have advertised for sale on Kijiji.

Friday ;  Sunny and very warm.  Joanne cooked a wonderful Lazy Cabbage Rolls dish in the Sun Oven today.

This morning I awoke with the continued agony of a gout flare-up.  It persisted until late afternoon when the pain began to slowly subside.  By bedtime it was about 80% relieved.  < deep sigh >  Good living through powerful drugs !

At noon I drove into Keremeos to get a haircut and beard trim.  While in town I went to the pharmacy to order some prescription refills and consult with the pharmacist on some gout related questions.  The excruciating pain again kept me from accomplishing much today.  Yesterday Joanne bought quite a bit of ground beef.  This afternoon
I portioned and packaged it with her, and made homemade burger patties.  I gave our barbecue its annual "deep cleaning" while Joanne vacuumed in the house.

In the evening I did some monthly computer file maintenance.  It went poorly.  There was an insurmountable problem with my virus scanning software.  So ... after many unsuccessful attempts to resolve the unidentifiable problem ... out with the old and in with the new !  I uninstalled the old software and will use a new program.

Saturday ;  Sunny and very hot.

This morning I awoke with almost no gout pain.  WOO-HOO !  However ... after being up and about for a few hours that changed.  The more I was on my feet, the more the gout pain resumed.  At lunch time I took more drugs, and the pain subsided again.  Around supper time we took Bo for a walk and ... the pain increased again.  < sigh > 
I took more drugs.

I retrieved, printed, reconciled, and paid our monthly MasterCard bill.  I did monthly computer file backup and maintenance.  I barbecued Dan-O-Cheeseburgers for supper, accompanied by Joanne's wonderful potato salad.


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