Saturday, September 11, 2004

September 10, 2004

September 10, 2004

DAY 85



Enough is enough ! ! ! Dee-Dee's got to go ! ! ! I am completely exhausted and demoralized by these mechanical breakdowns. Four times in 9 days ! ! !

The day started out just fine. Hot, sunny, ... a beautiful day in Indiana. By the way, why do Indiana residents refer to themselves as "Hoosiers" ? Anyways, I drove Joanne to a local Laundromat, and while she did laundry, I went to 4 different truck accessory stores looking for that damn lug nut cap. Curses to you, Dawson Servicentre ! I picked up Joanne at the Laundromat, and we went for a very quick lunch at a Greek Gyros restaurant while the clothes were in the dryer. Picked up the clothes, then rushed like crazy for Forest River's factory, for the 1:30 P.M. factory tour. We arrived at 1:33 P.M.. The same rude, unhelpful receptionist from yesterday advised us that the man that was to lead the tour had just left because nobody was there for a tour at 1:30. I asked her to see if she could arrange a tour for us. She smacked her lips, wrung her hands, scratched her head, etc., for a few minutes, until Joanne couldn't take any more and stormed out the door. I was a bit surprised because that's usually my tactic, not hers. I stood there in front of the receptionist for another minute or two, and watched her antics continue. Finally, in disgust, I left also.

Joanne navigated us about 20 miles east to an Amish community charity auction, between Middlebury and Shipshewana. What an interesting afternoon we had ! The auction was on the grounds of a rural group home for developmentally delayed adults, and was for their benefit. We wandered all around their property, looking at their 2 large homes, gardens, barn, greenhouse, chickens and cattle. We arrived about an hour before the auction was to begin at 3:30, so we were a bit early. This gave us the opportunity to have first pick at the bake sale. OOOHHH ! YESSS !

The parking lot had almost as many Amish buggies with horses, as it did cars and trucks. What nice "Sunday buggies" they were driving today. We noticed in the farm yards as we drove by that there were Sunday buggies and every day buggies. I guess it's like our farmers' new Buicks and beat up old Ford pickups.

We watched an hour or so of the auction, while eating a bowl of fresh ice cream. I mean really fresh ! I mean we watched them take it out of the ice cream churner thing, and serve it into our bowl. Then Joanne wanted to drive to the nearby town of Shipshewana to see an Amish department store. Then we were going to return to the auction to watch the more interesting items, like hand made Amish quilts being auctioned, and have an Amish "haystack dinner". On the short drive into Shipshewana, Dee-Dee broke !

I think it's some sort of electronic control module problem. Most of the dash gauges failed. The tachometer quit. Most importantly, the electronic automatic transmission is stuck in first / low gear. I limped into town, and pulled over to the curb to look under the hood. While fiddling with fuses, I pulled a fuse that made the engine quit. I required a jump start to get it going again. The 2 batteries seem dead, or the ignition is electronic, or something. Anyways, after getting it jump started, we limped 20 miles back to our trailer, driving on the shoulder at about 50 km./hr. in first gear. I dropped Joanne off at the trailer, and ran into the RV dealership office, about 5 minutes before they closed, to find out where the nearest GM dealer is ( déja vu ). Then I limped about another 5 miles through Friday evening rush hour to the GM dealer. I dropped the truck off in front of their service department, which is closed until Monday morning. Then I tried to beg a ride back to the trailer from 1 of the 3 salesmen and 1 customer at the used car side of the dealership. Finally, the body shop manager, who was late leaving work this evening, reluctantly agreed to drive me back to the trailer.

I feel defeated.

We've been brainstorming over supper to figure out how to get at least ourselves, if not the trailer, to the Escapees rally site in Goshen on Sunday morning. I believe we'll find a way.

BUT ... most importantly, a decision has been made to get rid of this truck. We'll probably use it to get back to Ontario after the rally, then buy another truck in Toronto, Kingston, or Ottawa.


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