Wednesday, September 29, 2004

September 29, 2004

September 29, 2004

Ottawa, Ontario

DAY 104


Returned first thing this morning to the C.S. Co-op for more traveller's cheques. I depleted their inventory yesterday. When I finished, I phoned Centrum Pharmacy to see if my prescription was ready for pick up yet. Joanne convinced me yesterday as I was picking up 3 months worth of my meds that I should be taking 6 months with me, to avoid having to refill my prescription in the United States. The pharmacist agreed, saying that it would cost me quite a bit more for my prescription in the U.S., so I ordered another 3 months worth. Since my prescription was not yet ready, I decided to go visit PET VALU 234 in Westgate Shopping Centre, the last of the 4 stores we owned.

What an interesting visit ! Firstly, Bobby Sue Budgie was beside herself with excitement to see me. I miss the little bird brain. Lise, the developmentally delayed "janitor" we employed, said she missed Joanne a great deal and loved her. Irena, the new owner for the last 7 months was enthused and excited. Business was going very well. She had set up an Ottawa Humane Society satellite adoption centre in the front window of the store. The Humane Society had provided the store with a large cat cage, with a hamster cage and a guinea pig cage on top. The store always had a cat, a hamster, and a guinea pig available for adoption, as well as the occasional bird. Adoptions were going well, and always resulted in considerable purchases of food and supplies. Great idea. The store needed "fresh blood" with enthusiasm and excitement that we could no longer muster. You go, girl !

The most interesting news at the store was that Barry, the employee we "sold" to Irena along with the store, was no longer employed by Irena, as of today. He phoned yesterday, to say he had just been sentenced to a year in jail ! Both Irena and us knew of his legal problems, but nobody expected him to be sentenced to a year in jail. He was expecting a year of "house arrest", a form of legal curfew allowing him to live at home, and go out only to go to work and back. A couple of years ago he was “busted”, for being the resident "caretaker" of a large marijuana grow house. The wheels of justice turn slowly, but apparently they do turn ! I suspect that the judge must have figured Barry should really have known better, given his age. He's about the same age as Joanne and me.

Now I'm absolutely certain that there's a moral in there somewhere !

After visiting with Irena ( and Bobbie Sue ) for awhile, I went and picked up my prescription, then returned to the trailer at Hither Hills campground. I spent the afternoon restfully puttering around with a bunch of chores, then napping, while Joanne took the truck and went shopping for groceries and supplies. After she returned, I worked on a spreadsheet idea I had.

It's getting dark quite early, so it was already dark by the time I barbecued supper. Dark and chilly ! Once the sun goes down, the temperature drops rapidly. We noticed as we drove northeast from Kingston to Ottawa the other day that the colours of the leaves were definitely changing the further north we came. Ottawa is the furthest north we intend to be until next April. From here, starting tomorrow, we start heading southwest. WOO-HOO !

Helllllooooo, Texas !


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