Tuesday, April 11, 2006

April 11, 2006

April 11, 2006

Knoxville, Tennessee

YEAR 2 DAY 298


Today was another lovely, sunny, warm day.

Late last night we discussed what impact this 6 day delay would have on our travel plans for the next couple of weeks. I suggested to Joanne we had to eliminate either visiting Washington, D.C., or Hershey, Pennsylvania, where the Hershey chocolate factory is located. There was absolutely no delay in her answer. HA HA HA HA HA ! ! ! Politics or chocolate ... no contest.

First thing this morning I phoned Budget Transmission to find out how the transmission repair is going, and to attempt again to get them to answer my question "why ?". They said the truck would be ready late this afternoon. The answers to the question "why ?" are ; 1. The transmission repair shop in Oregon installed a wrong part, and / or 2. you're unlucky / shit happens, and / or 3. we don't know. When it was obvious that we would be here for another day, I went to the office to sign up for tonight's "dine-in". On the way to the office, I met Sharon, and her husband whose name I still don't know, the original "rescuers" of Bo at Rainbow Plantation 16 months ago. They "rescued" him on the morning of December 9, 2004, "owned" him for about 8 hours, and we "adopted" him that evening. We chatted for about half an hour, about the truck, and our life with Bo. I walked back to our trailer, got Bo, and took him over to visit them. We got Bo because, while Sharon wanted to keep him, her husband did not. Her stronger affinity for animals showed through today when Bo and I visited. Sharon seemed pleased to know that Bo has a good home and life.

On the way to and from visiting, I took Bo for an obedience training session. I phoned Ed Seeger at Mechtronics in Oregon. I continue to be impressed with the efforts he is putting into answering the question "why". I suppose it's his reputation that's on the line, but since the warranty period on his repair is over, he could just as easily adopt the GM stance : past the warranty, not our problem any more, goodbye ! Mr. Seeger continues to try to answer the question "why ?". I appreciate his ethics.

I phoned MTS Mobility and paid the cell phone bill. I phoned Village Insurance in Lorette to ask them some questions about the ramifications of a Manitoba resident buying a truck in Ontario, then registering it in Manitoba. The agent I got on the phone didn't seem to be the brightest bulb in the chandelier, and seemed to be guessing at the answers. Nevertheless, I may purchase a truck while we're in Ottawa for medical tests. I attempted to phone the federal and Ontario provincial governments to order some corporate income tax forms I need, but their toll free numbers won't work here in Tennessee. I prepared an e-mail to my accountant asking for some assistance.

We had lunch. I read, then napped. When I woke, I started work on today's journal entry. Around 4:00 P.M. Budget Transmission phoned. The truck was ready. They came to pick me up and drove me back to their shop. I paid the U.S.$2818.35 bill, listened to their explanations, left, and drove back to Raccoon Valley in freeway rush hour traffic. Just as I was pulling up to our campsite, the phone rang. It was Ed Seeger at Mechtronics in Oregon. He continues to seek answers. He has spoken to his parts supplier, the gear manufacturer, the transmission repair shop organization, etc.. I commend him for trying to get me an answer. He doesn't yet have one, though. I doubt that he ever will. Budget Transmission's answer is "we don't know ... shit happens". They are adamant that one of the reverse gear bands that Mechtronics installed was an incorrect part. Mechtronics has convinced me otherwise, although both shops speak in "transmissionese", a foreign language to me. I suppose it's time to swallow hard, and move on !

We went to tonight's "dine-in" communal dinner. It was pleasant enough food and company, but I was in a somewhat despondent mood. After dinner we went for a walk with Bo. Joanne went to do a load of laundry. I did today's accounting < huge sigh > ! We watched a bit of TV. I did a bit more work on our personal income taxes. Late in the evening, I went to the laundry room to get online one last time before leaving here.


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