Thursday, January 20, 2005

January 14, 2005

January 14, 2005

C.A.R.E. Centre

DAY 210


Today was sunny but cool again. We're having a bit of a cold spell, Texas style. Day time temperatures this week were and will be in the high 50's and low 60's, while night time temperatures were and will be in the high 30's and low 40's.

On the mornings when I don't have to go to "work" early, I make myself the most wonderful café au lait using the coffee and chicory mix that Joanne bought me for Christmas ( rolling eyes ) at Café du Monde in the French Market in New Orleans. The other Christmas gift she bought me in New Orleans ( rolling eyes again ) was a kitchen apron. One of the most amusing and endearing qualities of New Orleans is its sense of irreverence. The shops along Bourbon Street are filled with articles of clothing imprinted with amusing, irreverent slogans laced with obscenities and profanities. Suffice to say I can't really wear my apron in public.

One of the participants here at C.A.R.E. is a seamstress. She has a sewing machine set up in a small room in the Centre, and she spends a good part of each day sewing anything and everything for anyone and every one. When she sews something for someone, she asks that they make a suitable donation to C.A.R.E.. She presented Joanne with a head scarf to wear in the kitchen, instead of the disposable hair nets that are the alternative. I noticed that she has made chef style hats for the men that work in the kitchen, so I had her make me a black chef’s hat to match my black, obscene New Orleans apron. I was so looking forward to wearing this combo next summer back in Manitoba, when barbecuing for family, until Joanne pointed out to me that by next summer her niece, who is about to turn six years old in about a week, will be able to read well enough to read obscene four letter words on Uncle Dan’s apron. “ Mommy, mommy ... Uncle Dan’s apron says **** ”. HA HA HA HA HA HA ! Every kid should have a rich old aunt and obscene old uncle.

This morning we set off to run errands. First stop was the local vet, to buy more heart worm pills for Bo. We realized that if we would run out of heart worm pills next summer, a vet at West Hawk Lake or Kenora would require Bo to have another blood test, prematurely, before dispensing more heart worm pills. We bought another six month supply, so now we have a year's worth. Next stop was the Post Office in Livingston to mail Sharon's birthday gift, and check if any mail had arrived for us. No < sigh > ! Than a stop at Wal-Mart to buy a few groceries, and look for a fine mesh screen patching kit, or something else suitable to repair the tears made in Teddy's tent by our neighbour's fat, stupid dog.

Since Livingston is about 3/4 of the way from Rainbow's End to Lake Livingston State Park we decided to go see it. We had already offered to take a bus load of C.A.R.E. participants on a day outing to the park, so we thought we should check it out. What a great park, and particularly suitable for a day outing for a group of seniors. The day use area has eight screened shelters, each with a picnic table inside, as well as many outdoor picnic tables. Everything is wheelchair accessible. There is a fishing area, docks with ducks swimming around, a waterfront paved walkway, parking for the C.A.R.E. bus, accessible washrooms, etc.. We're going to take a bus load out for a picnic lunch and some fishing, duck feeding, etc..

We went to social hour today and presented Rain for adoption. No takers. We're very disappointed. Looks like we'll be taking her to the animal shelter in Livingston early next week. We took her to social hour on a leash, wearing Teddy's harness. She's very good on a leash.

As I type this, Bo is choking on catnip, because he just tore open one of Teddy's catnip sacks. He's a very nice dog, but not always a good dog !

I barbecued for supper. I haven't been doing much of that lately, since it gets dark so early. After supper, we watched a bit of TV, then I worked on December month end accounting, and 2004 year end accounting. I finished the day by preparing a lengthy e-mail to Eric Pryor, my accountant in Ottawa, about our 2004 corporate and personal income tax issues.


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