Tuesday, January 25, 2005

January 21, 2005

January 21, 2005

C.A.R.E. Centre, Schwab City, Romayor, Ace, & Livingston, Texas

DAY 217


Today was sunny and warm.

I spent part of the morning repairing a 12 volt fan/heater for Arley. The plug was broken. I bought a new plug and cord assembly a few days ago, and replaced the plug and cord. When I returned it to Arley, he said he didn't want it any more, he just wanted it fixed, and then he wanted to give it away, to us if we wanted it, or to the Centre for their next garage sale.

After lunch, we decided to go do a bit of grocery shopping, and exploring. We wanted to drive to Schwab City, the next town over, in the opposite direction from Livingston. We thought we'd buy our groceries there, and see the town. Well ... there wasn't really a town. A road sign identifying the town, a church, and not much else. We turned off on a side road, and wandered over to another town, Romayor. Same story as Schwab City. We took another back road, this time over to the town of Ace. Same story again. A bunch of little non-towns. Finally we drove back all the way to Livingston, and did our grocery shopping.

When we returned, we went to social hour. Today's hostess was Kay Peterson. She always hosts Friday's social hour when she's "home", here at Rainbow's End. Kay and her husband Joe were the founders of the Escapees RV Club 26 years ago. I made a second and final desperate plea for a new home for Rain. Got a hug from Miss Kay !

After social hour, Joanne and I worked together for an hour on the equipment inventory. I really appreciate her assistance and encouragement on this mindless task. Just as we were finishing, Kitty came over to see us with her 12 year old grandson, Trent. We had met Trent before. He comes to visit his grandmother quite often. He's a sweet, bright boy. Kitty had told him about my magic show, and Trent wanted to ask me if I would teach him a magic trick. I had him meet me back in the Centre an hour later, and I spent about half an hour teaching him my favourite rope trick.

The couple who had hosted our Christmas dinner table, Ray and Susie Gearing also came over to see us while we were working on the equipment inventory. They had heard my plea at social hour for a home for Rain, and they wanted to see her. They already have 4 cats, and don't really want another one, but they don't want to see Rain end up in the animal shelter. They will try to worktheir network within the permanent resident section of the park in an effort to find Rain a home. They asked us not to take Rain to the animal shelter next week without seeing them first.

I'm hopeful they can help us avoid having to take Rain to the shelter.


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