Tuesday, July 5, 2005

July 1, 2005

July 1, 2005

West Hawk Lake day 45 of 113



Happy Canada Day


Today was mostly sunny, and warm, with a bit of wind during the earlier part of the day.

I started the morning slowly, showering, playing with the dog, reading a book, drinking coffee. I did some work on routine maintenance chores, then continued work on the truck battery connection modifications. We had lunch, I read, and napped. I walked around, chatting with the Park Patrol staff, and the campground office staff. We took Bo for an obedience training walk, to work him while he was faced with the distractions of a sold out, full campground. The park staff are thrilled that the campground is full for the long weekend. It seems to be a matter of pride for them to be able to hang out the "campground full" sign. Of course, that results in complaints to us. People who have decided at the last minute to go camping for the long weekend drive out from Winnipeg, only to discover that the campground is full. They spend the day here, picnicking, hiking, bicycling, etc. to make the most of their day before they head back to the city. When they see campground hosts, it's an opportunity for them to gripe. Like I can somehow solve their problem, which is a result of their lack of foresight and planning. Happy Canada Day, folks !

We barbecued corn on the cob, and chicken for supper, served along with Joanne’s home made potato salad. What a great meal. While I was barbecuing, Beth and Ashley, the Park Naturalists came by with brochures about tonight’s Amphitheatre Program for us to distribute. As soon as we were finished supper, we began walking around the entire campground, doing our regular Friday night Amphitheatre Program promoting. The campground has many children tonight, so I hope the Amphitheatre Program is better attended than usual. Although we think the Naturalists have missed the boat somewhat by not having a special Canada Day Program. You know ... Rah Rah Canada ... a bit of fireworks, that sort of thing. Tonight’s program is going to be Outdoor Survival. I’m typing this just before we go to the program.

Five of the Park Patrol staff just stopped by to visit with us in our campsite. They’re out in full force tonight. Bo is in doggy heaven, having five of his "friends" come by for a visit. He sure does love visiting people, especially his Park Patrol "hero", Joe Pope. Since the very first time he met Joe, Bo thinks he's wonderful.

We've just returned from the Outdoor Survival presentation at the Amphitheatre. Gee ... those Naturalist / Interpreter programs are sure terrible ! Although it's certainly not for lack of effort. As the audience was gathering and settling, our resident buck decided to come charging out of the forest up on the granite bluff. He ran around the Amphitheatre, and the gathering crowd, then charged back up the bluff and into the forest. WOW ... thanks ! Nice opening act, Mr. Buck. Beth, the Head Naturalist announced that there would be about a 15 minute delay due to a missing cable that was required to link their laptop to their projector. Dana was gone to get it. Beth was worried about losing her audience. I offered to do a short magic show to keep the audience in place until Dana returned with the missing computer cable. I ran back to our trailer, grabbed my shoe box full of magic "props", and returned to perform a short, impromptu magic show. I did three "tricks" / illusions, then turned the stage over to the Naturalists as soon as Dana was back with the missing cable. Gaylene, the Park Ranger from Falcon Lake was there, so I hope my contribution scored some political points.


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