Friday, July 8, 2005

July 7, 2005

July 7, 2005

West Hawk Lake day 51 of 113



Today was sunny and very warm.

After walking Bo, and going for a shower, I made myself a cup of coffee and worked on reviewing the batch of incoming mail we picked up at Sharon's on Tuesday. Then I went outside and did some maintenance work on Dee-Dee. We chatted with Elvira for awhile. I was about to drive out to the park gate to make some phone calls when Joanne came out of the trailer and said she was going to Falcon Lake for some groceries, so we went together to Falcon Lake. While Joanne did some grocery shopping, I sat at a shaded picnic table in the shopping mall courtyard and made phone calls. I phoned a bunch of RV Co-ops and RV Parks in British Columbia to request information.

Once back at West Hawk, we had lunch, I read, then napped ( of course ). We spent the rest of the afternoon sitting outside reading today's newspaper. We took Bo for an obedience walk, but he was unfocused and did poorly. It was hot, and he was more interested in splashing around in the lake than "working". While sitting outside reading the newspaper, Joanne thought she heard the phone ringing. I rushed inside the trailer, but there was no phone ringing. Later, I realized we had left the phone in the truck when we came back from Falcon Lake. Gee whiz ... 6 missed calls !

While Joanne made potato salad I barbecued a simple supper. After supper I went to Star Lake for an hour and a half of fishing. Not a single bite ! I guess the water has warmed up, and the good fishing is over for the summer, at least in the shallow area near the dock where I fish. Some cottager on the other side of the lake was sitting on his dock, playing his bagpipes. Pleasant, but kind of odd for the setting. Sunset on a glass smooth lake in the Canadian wilderness, bagpipes in the distance playing Amazing Grace and Scottish jigs.

I came home to watch the news, and learned of today's tragic subway and bus bombings in London, England.


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