Monday, September 5, 2005

September 1 & 2, 2005

September 1 & 2, 2005

West Hawk Lake days 107 & 108 of 113

YEAR 2 DAYS 76 & 77


Thursday ; Today was cool and cloudy, with intermittent light rain. I was sicker and weaker than I had hoped this morning, but the show must go on.

We got a slow start to the day. We left for Winnipeg about 11:00 A.M.. First stop was at Southdale Shopping Centre. Joanne went into Pharma Plus to buy some U.S. postage, and I went to MacDonald's to use the bathroom. I'm reluctant to travel ( without towing our trailer and toilet with us ) when my colitis is flared up this severely. It's risky for me to venture further than about 500 feet from the nearest bathroom. When we were living in Ottawa, I was afraid to go flying when my colitis was flared up, especially cross country. I can't just land the plane and dash off to a bathroom, halfway between Ottawa and Toronto.

Second stop was at Canadiana Draperies, to pick up the ( finally ! ) repaired bedroom shade. Then off to the Carlson's, for a day of visiting with Lorri and the girls. Joanne had packed snacks and lunch for us, as I have to eat small meals frequently when I'm sick. We had our lunch as soon as we arrived at Carlson's, then while Joanne visited, I went to nap, feeling poorly. When Doug returned home from work late in the afternoon, we visited, had supper, then left because Lorri and Doug were going out for the evening. We drove to Deacon's Corner on the Trans-Canada at the turn off to Lorette, and filled Dee-Dee with diesel. The price of diesel has not jumped as dramatically recently as the price of regular gasoline. Diesel was 91.9¢ per litre while regular gas was $1.249 per litre. I find it difficult to accept that Hurricane Katrina's devastation of the petroleum industry in the southern U.S. 2 days ago should justify a 20¢ per litre increase already. We went to the Danelak's in Lorette for cup of tea and a brief visit with Sharon and Bud before heading back out to West Hawk Lake. I couldn't quite make it all the way back non-stop. We stopped in Falcon Lake for a bathroom break. We arrived back at the trailer just as the late news was starting. We watched the news, and went to bed.


Friday ; Today started out cloudy and cool, but the sun peeked out more and more as the day progressed. By mid-afternoon it was sunny and warm. I woke up this morning feeling quite sick, but after having breakfast and showering I began to improve. By mid-afternoon I was feeling halfway healthy for the first time in 2 weeks.

I was awakened this morning by an irate camper knocking on our door, asking for information that I don't have. The campground office staffing and office hours are still all screwed up, so people were coming to us early in the morning with questions that we don't have answers to. The campground queen bee feels that working in the campground office is beneath her, so when she has a staff shortage, she just leaves the campground office closed, while she hides in the district office across the street, trying to feel important. What a useless pissant !

I worked on yesterday's journal entry ( above ) and accounting while Joanne went to shower. I did today’s preventive maintenance and inspections, then drove to the Border Information Centre to get online, send and retrieve e-mail, and retrieve updated investment data. When I returned to the trailer, we had lunch. After lunch we drained the kitchen holding tank. Should be the last time we need to use the waste tote for awhile. I did some work on the computer while Joanne went to do some laundry at Crescent Beach Cottages. I took Bo for an obedience training session.

I did some minor maintenance work tonight to get ready for travel next week. I felt healthy enough tonight to barbecue for the first time in a couple of weeks. The campground is full this weekend. Lots of losers and yahoos. A great display of Northern Lights tonight.


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