Wednesday, October 26, 2005

October 23, 2005

October 23, 2005

Nanaimo, B.C.

YEAR 2 DAY 128


Today started out cloudy and mild. The sky cleared late in the afternoon.

I woke early this morning. I walked Bo, fed Teddy and Bo, showered, and took care of morning chores. We don't usually eat much of a breakfast, if any at all, but occasionally I'm inspired to make a big, hot breakfast like pancakes. Today I made a big batch of French Toast, then woke Joanne for breakfast. After breakfast, I read yesterday's newspaper until I fell asleep again, sleeping until noon.

We had lunch. I did preventive maintenance, then set Joanne up to work on sanding and varnishing the base of the sofa table Bud made for us this summer. When the floor was carpeted, the base of the sofa table scraped the underside of the sofa when the table was pushed under the sofa. There were deep scratches on the sofa table base from the springs and hardware underneath the sofa. Now that the carpet is removed, there is more of a gap under the sofa, and the sofa table can slide underneath without scraping. We decided to sand off the scratches, and refinish the varnish. While Joanne worked on that, I went to the clubhouse, got onto Wi-Fi, sent and retrieved e-mail, updated my blog, and paid the MasterCard bill. As I was finishing, Joanne and Bo showed up. They both wanted to go for a walk along the lakeshore. As we were walking along the lakeshore, much to our very great surprise, we met someone we know jogging along the trail. One of the West Hawk Lake Park Patrol, Jonathon. What a small world ! Bo didn't seem to think there was anything unusual about meeting someone we know from a different place. I guess that happens often enough ... seeing family and friends from Winnipeg at West Hawk Lake, the Huggards, Dwight and Jennifer, etc., that he just accepts it as a normal thing. Jonathon is a student at Malaspina College, very near here, and the lakeshore trail around Westwood Lake is his usual jogging route. We chatted with Jonathon for awhile. As we continued our walk along the lakeshore trail, we kept finding blackberry bushes. We stopped, picked, and ate huge, ripe blackberries.

Back at the trailer, we worked on figuring out how to trim and finish the flooring job, underneath the front edge of the slide. We're not quite satisfied with the appearance underneath the front edge of the slide. First of all, I had to figure out how to secure the last inch or so of flooring tucked underneath the front edge of the slide. When they installed the flooring, they couldn't pressure roll the last inch or so of the vinyl floor where it tucks under the slide. They had tried to tape it, but I wasn't satisfied with the result. I removed the tape they had applied, then I applied clear duct tape all along the edge of the floor under the slide. I wasn't sure I would be able to get my fingers underneath the small gap that exists to apply the tape, but I got it done. Then we sat and brain stormed what kind of trim material we could buy and apply to give a more finished appearance at the bottom front edge of the slide. We tossed around a bunch of ideas, before finally deciding that a gold coloured threshold strip would probably look good, and function well, without catching or scraping when the slide is extended or retracted. We'll go shopping to Home Depot tomorrow.

I put away all my tools and hardware, then took Bo for a short obedience walk. He's been very restless ( and annoying ) the last few days. I guess he's bored with the amount of time we're spending just being in the trailer, not travelling, and avoiding the outdoors quite a bit because of the rain. That's why Joanne wanted to take him for a long walk earlier. I did today's accounting, then began to work on today's journal entry while Joanne worked on preparing supper. After supper, I watched mindless TV, while Joanne made Nanaimo bars. She found a recipe for Nanaimo bars in the Nanaimo tourist guide. You know ... when in Rome ... !


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