Monday, August 15, 2005

August 13, 2005

August 13, 2005

West Hawk Lake day 88 of 113



Today was mostly cloudy, and cool.

I spent a lazy morning, drinking coffee, reading a book, and listening to CBC Radio programs. Just before lunch, I took Bo for a short ride over to the Keystone Resort, to buy a newspaper. The Keystone resort is within walking distance of the campground, but Bo wanted to go for a ride. He's been a bit bored and restless lately. I guess we haven't been active enough lately to burn off his energy. Maybe we're all getting a bit of hitch itch.

We had lunch. I read the newspaper until I fell asleep for an afternoon nap. It rained on and off during the afternoon. In between rains, we took Bo for a long walk, all the way to the boat launch at the far end of Crescent Beach. Dark clouds were approaching, so we walked back to our campsite, arriving just as the rain began again. Afterwards, there was a great rainbow. We spent the balance of the afternoon reading the newspaper, sipping tea. Joanne made pistolettes for supper. My appetite is still low. My trips to the bathroom are still frequent. We had a discussion about diet, and decided I need to eat a bland diet for awhile, until my colitis settles down once and for all. It's been flaring up, then beginning to settle down, then flaring up again, for too long.

After supper, the sky cleared, and it got quite cool in the evening. On one of my many trips to the bathroom, the doe with two fawns gambolled by. The fawns are growing very quickly.

We watched The Pianist, the last of the movies Sharon lent to us. Could they make a movie any more depressing ? Just before the office closed, I walked down there to get information on available electrical sites, reservations not yet arrived, etc.. There was some kind of kerfuffle going on, with RCMP all over the place. Not a good time for the campground host to be coming in for routine information.


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