Monday, August 29, 2005

August 25, 26, 27, & 28, 2005

August 25, 26, 27, & 28, 2005

West Hawk Lake days 100, 101, 102, & 103 of 113

YEAR 2 DAYS 69, 70, 71, & 72


Thursday ; My pain level over night was severe. We headed for the Kenora Hospital first thing this morning. I sat around the emergency ward for a few hours before being examined by a physician. He ordered blood and urine tests, and a series of abdominal x-rays. By the time that was all done, it was late afternoon, and my pain level was excruciating. They administered an injection of morphine, and admitted me to the hospital overnight for observation, and a CT scan in the morning. Once admitted, an IV drip was started, and they administered antibiotics intravenously. I wasn't allowed to eat or drink. The morphine injection worked very well to suppress the pain, but it also left me feeling very "stoned" for 13 hours. At least I slept well ... from 3:00 P.M. until 4:00 A.M.. The preliminary diagnosis was diverticulitis, another colon disorder.

Friday ; This morning I asked at 6:30 A.M. to be allowed to use the shower. I wanted to shower before going for the CT scan. The nurse said she would set up the shower room for me soon. I asked again at 7:30. Same response. I asked again at 8:30. Same response. I asked again at 9:30. Same response. I don't think so ! Enough is enough ! I want a shower now ! As I undressed in the shower room, my IV drip ran out, and the IV machine started to beep loudly. DAMN ! I got sort of dressed, and went back out into the hall to find my nurse and have her change my IV bag. As she was doing that, the nursing station phone rang. I was required downstairs for my CT scan now. With gritted teeth, I stomped off for my CT scan, unwashed, teeth not brushed, feeling, looking, and smelling like ... well ... just like all the rest of the patients in Kenora Hospital, I guess. Those of you who know Kenora can read between the lines. I reported to the CT scan department, and sat around waiting for 45 minutes. I was pretty pissed off that they called for me 45 minutes before they wanted me. How long do they think it takes a patient to get from the third floor to the main floor ? I had my CT scan, went back upstairs, and had a shower. Without asking ! HEY ... I know where the shower room is, and I'm a big boy who doesn't need permission to shower ! I spent the rest of the day being visited every few hours by a young,female resident doctor who seemed to be assigned my case. She ordered more blood tests, and more urine tests. We discussed ulcerative colitis. I knew much more about it than she did. I guess that surprised me. I had her switch me to an oral pain killer to avoid being stoned on morphine. By mid-afternoon it was determined that I could eat and drink. Finally ! I had been without food and water for about 45 hours, since Wednesday supper. She switched me to oral antibiotics, and the IV was removed. They decided diverticulitis wasn't the problem. The pain persisted throughout the day. By midnight it was so severe, I succumbed, and requested another shot of morphine. Another night of good sleep, although I should have asked for it earlier, so I wouldn't still be stoned in the morning.

Saturday ; More x-rays, more blood tests, more urine tests. The diagnosis was an obstructed colon, caused by inflammation of the lining of the colon. That's right. I told you 2 days ago in the emergency ward that I have ulcerative colitis. For the first time in my 15 ( or so ) year history with colitis, the inflammation was severe enough to block the colon. My cute, young blonde doctor prescribed a heavy dosage of Pentasa, a colon anti-inflammatory, a medication I already take. Yesterday, she didn't know what Pentasa was. I taught her. She also kept me on antibiotics, and wanted to keep me in the hospital for one more day, because the pain was still severe. I had not had a bowel movement in many days. The grumbling sounds in my abdomen were loud ! She had me take an oral colonic acidifier and laxative. HELLLOOO ! KABOOM ! Well ... at least things are moving along now ! The pain was still severe. I asked for my nightly ass full of morphine at 10 P.M.. Slept well, yes sir !

Sunday ; Well, here I am back at "home", after 3 days in Lake Of The Woods District Hospital in Kenora. Things are moving along ... at a very rapid pace ! Wish I could find a "happy medium". Dr. Goldstein felt that the problem had been identified, my pain was diminishing, and treatment could continue at home. The ongoing pain in my lower abdomen and lower back is caused by the descending segment of the colon, swollen shut, so nothing can pass the inflammation. I showered, Joanne arrived to pick me up, we left the hospital and headed to the Wal-Mart pharmacy to pick up some prescription medications. We drove back to West Hawk. As we arrived, Joanne pointed out to me that on Thursday when she was in Kenora visiting me, the rest of our fire wood had been stolen. !)@(#*$&%^ ! ! !

I spent the afternoon resting, and reading. That's about the extent of my capabilities at the moment. I'm still pretty sick, and in pain. I phoned our sisters to let them I know I was out of the hospital. I chatted with Sharon for awhile. I worked on the computer, getting caught up on accounting and my journal.

I'm getting pretty tired of this pain, and feeling sick !


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