Friday, August 19, 2005

August 15, 2005

August 15, 2005

West Hawk Lake day 90 of 113



Today was sunny and warm.

This morning after showering and morning chores, I did my regular preventive maintenance and inspections, and decided I needed a bit more air in one of the truck's rear tires. I drove to the nearby Esso station at Keystone Resort and put air in. From there I drove to the Manitoba Border Information Centre where I got online, retrieved e-mail, and updated my blog. I returned to the trailer, had a cup of coffee, then we set off for Falcon Lake. Just past Falcon Lake we stopped at our blueberry picking spot to see if there were any blueberries to pick. There weren't ! I guess the blueberry picking season is a fairly small window of opportunity lasting just a few weeks at most. We went back to Falcon Lake townsite. I dropped Joanne off at the grocery store then went to fill Dee-Dee with diesel. The price of fuel has just risen dramatically. I met Joanne back at the grocery store. We walked down to Falcon Lake Beach which we had not seen yet. While checking out the beach, we visited Odie the Macaw. Odie was sitting in the sun on a pole beside a business building. A teenaged girl working nearby seemed to be his owner. Odie was very sociable, crawling from his perch onto my arm, from one arm to another, then from my arm to Joanne's. I've never had an opportunity to interact with a Macaw before. He was very friendly.

We returned to West Hawk, had lunch, then I read and napped. While I was napping, Joanne was sitting outside reading. Sylvia from the campground office came by to visit Bo. Then Joanne visited with Elvira, the janitorial supervisor, for awhile, and invited her over for dinner on Wednesday. When I awoke, we drained two of the holding tanks. The doe with her two quickly growing fawns came by. I guess the campground is emptying out enough that they're comfortable coming out of the forest, into the campground. We haven't seen much wildlife during the last seven busy weeks. After draining the tanks, Joanne suggested we do some campground clean up. I joined her for a short time, but lacked motivation. I returned to the trailer to read while she spent quite a long time cleaning up section B. Good work, dear. Sorry I felt lazy. After thoroughly cleaning section B, she returned to the trailer hot and thirsty. She asked me to share a wine cooler with her. I wasn't thirsty, so she drank the whole cooler by herself. Quickly. On an empty stomach. HA HA HA ... instant drunk wife ! Poor Joanne. She had to lie down on the bed for awhile, munching on crackers until her head stopped spinning. HA HA HA ... dumb ass ! We took Bo for an obedience walk. He didn't do very well. I checked with the office on reservations not yet checked in, and available sites, etc.. We fed the animals, then prepared supper for ourselves.

After supper, we watched a movie on CBC. Old School. The worst movie I have seen in ... I don't know ... decades ! Then, to add insult to injury, there was no CBC News tonight, due to a labour dispute. They broadcast a feed of BBC World News. We watched the first news story, about the difficulty Israel's security forces are having getting their settlers out of the Gaza Strip. Hey ... just send in the West Hawk Parkies. They'd have them cleared out in no time. They're very good at evicting people who don't want to leave. HA HA HA HA HA !


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