Saturday, August 7, 2004

August 3, 2004

August 3, 2004

DAY 47



Headed for Transcona Trailer Sales first thing this morning, to have them examine the brakes and bearings on the problem wheel. I had to leave the trailer with them, so I ran a whole bunch of errands around Kildonan Place and surrounding area, which used to be known as Crossroads Shopping area. I don't know if it's still called that.

Finished all my errands by noon, so headed back to Transcona Trailer Sales to pick up the trailer. When I arrived there, I could see the trailer was still sitting in the exact spot where I left it. When I stomped over to the service desk, the service manger gave me a song and dance sob story about some other trailer taking longer than expected, yada, yada, yada. He was bright enough to see the displeasure in my face, so he hustled the trailer in immediately. They removed the wheel, examined the brakes and bearings, and couldn't find anything wrong. They surmised that the brakes must have been running very hot just because they were new and required some "breaking in". They replaced the missing bearing dust cover and wheel lug nut cover, but did not have the plastic hub cover in stock. They will have to order one from the U.S., and it should arrive in about 2 weeks. Once again, the service manager was astute enough to see the displeasure registered on my face. He'd have had to have been blind to miss it !

As I was driving back to Lorette, I saw a large bird on the side of the road, that I think was a falcon. I'll have to ask Sharon & Bud if they're aware of falcons in their neighbourhood. I wonder if it’s possible that it was a falcon that killed their cat, Muffy, a few months ago.

By the time I arrived back at the Danelak's, they had already left for their annual vacation at Rushing River Provincial Park. Joanne and I will be kitten sitting for the next week. The afternoon was mostly spent catching up on e-mails and web surfing. It's been a long time since I've been able to sit down and work at the computer online for any length of time.

The evening was spent playing with Lilly the kitten, barbecuing supper, and, of course, watching tonight's episode of Amazing Race. As I finished typing this, Joanne called for help, because Lilly had a bit of a diarrhoea problem, and needed to be cleaned up. Oh, boy, the joy of a long haired Persian kitten ! A little back end bath in the bathroom sink, and she's as good as new, albeit a teensy bit indignant. My sister owes me for this one !


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