Monday, August 30, 2004

August 29

August 29, 2004

DAY 73



We went to the house this morning to watch Bud's friend Dominique Bosshart compete in the Olympic Tae Kwan Do competition. Her event was supposed to be broadcast at 11:00 A.M.. It wasn't. It had already been broadcast at 6:00 A.M.. CBC makes it impossible to watch a specific event because what they say they're going to broadcast at any given time isn't necessarily what they actually broadcast. They tape all events and show them after the fact. I guess it's quite hard to stick to the planned schedule. Anyways, Dominique Bosshart lost both her matches and was eliminated from the medals. She won the bronze 4 years ago in Sydney. Bud built a display case for their Tae Kwan Do academy to display her Olympic competition uniform.

Right after lunch, our Escapee friends Ruth-Anne and Tom Huggard arrived. When we were at the Escapees Ontario Chapter Spring Rally at Kingston in June we had invited them to park overnight in the Danelak's driveway when they were driving from Ontario through Manitoba to a family wedding near Edmonton. We had some difficulty getting their trailer backed down the driveway and into position on the circular portion of the driveway, in front of our trailer. One side of their trailer left the driveway and the trailer wheels sunk very, very deeply into the wet lawn. It made a horrible mess of the lawn. I hope Bud can forgive us. Tom's rear wheel drive 3/4 ton Dodge ( not dually ) couldn't pull their trailer out of the deep ruts and back onto the driveway. We had to unhitch his truck, and I hitched our truck to their trailer. Dee-Dee the 4 x 4 dually had absolutely no problem whatsoever pulling their trailer out of the deep ruts on the wet lawn, and back onto the driveway. HA ... 2 points for Dee-Dee.

We spent the day visiting with Ruth-Anne and Tom, having dinner with them in their trailer. Ruth-Anne and Tom were one of the first Escapee couples that we got to know last fall, and we enjoy their company. After supper, we all went for a long walk down the road, including our cat Toby and their Scottish Terrier, Angus. While walking, I "captured" a neighbour's "escaped" border collie, and walked him all the way back to his yard, which was about 1000 feet from where I caught him. Late in the evening Ruth-Anne, Tom, Joanne and I joined Sharon and Bud in the house for tea and cake, chatting until way after everybody's regular bed time.


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